4. Look towards more organic options that limit the processed food in your diet. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

4 Ways To Jumpstart Into Spring Cleaning

A guide towards making a more sustainable lifestyle from the inside out.

4 Ways To Jumpstart Into Spring Cleaning

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This spring season can spark a series of new and blossoming opportunities. For starters, the weather cultivates energy - whether from the sun's warmth or welcoming breezes filled with more insects than the winter months - there is definitely something new sparked in the air. The change in weather offers more opportunity to bathe your body in Vitamin D and even cause you to spend a few less hours inside getting rest, switching your activities from "Netflix and chilllin'" to lounging outside and listening to music. For others, spring is just another season when your car collects more heat than you'd like or your allergies start acting up, making you want to stay indoors more than other seasons. Regardless of your emotions and thoughts about spring, it is always a good time to cultivate spring cleaning.

Spring cleaning is often a time when we, American consumers, empty out old clothes, household accessories, or books that we no longer need. Well in addition to this, I suggest making these helpful steps towards a cleaner and more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

1. Reusable utensils.

This set from Amazon includes a fork, knife, spoon, straw, and chopsticks made from Bamboo. These utensils are a possible solution to our around 40 billion plastic utensil waste that collectively clutters landfills and natural areas like beaches. Consider this product for other commonly used plastic items like toothbrushes, razors, or water bottles . For this $10 set or other sets like it, we could all do our part to clean up more than just our environment. We could positively impact the habitats of our four legged friends as well.

2. Using glass tupperware.

This is a simple financial compromise. Rather than spending money on multiple cheap containers for food - some of which leave plastic residue in the food that is being eaten - invest in a glass container! This not only protects your food, but also provides less environmental waste in plastics.

3. Reduce the use of plastic bags.

While I admit to hoarding plastic bags as much as the next frugal college student, there are better ways to package items. I often use plastic bags to carry food or other items throughout my day. However, by reusing two or three well manufactured bags for groceries and lunches, your use of plastic bags is reduced- duh - while also reducing your trash. Often times, I use these bags are in my bathroom trash cans. But if these bags are not accessible, I will use less of them simply because they are not readily available.

4. Look towards more organic options that limit the processed food in your diet.

As a vegan, I could push the completely organic option on you readers, but I'm not. I do suggest, however, that this spring your cleaning would include your digestive health not by doing some type of juice cleanse or detox but by making conscious steps everyday towards healthier living. Since becoming vegan, I have experienced more energy and focus throughout my rigorous daily schedule. As a full-time college student with mostly 12-hour days consisting of four dance classes (anywhere from 1.5 to 3 hours) and additional academic classes, I need to feed my body so that I can not just make it through each day but to excel in my activities. This is exactly what organic living has done for me since cutting out my loves - processed food and meat. But the reward is greater.

This spring break reminded me of what relaxation feels like. It reminds me that this season is perfect for starting new goals and igniting creative ideas. But in order to do this, we cannot have our environment, minds, or bodies cluttered with waste and chemicals that are not going to propel us forward. In the words of my professor and world-renowned contemporary ballet choreographer William Forsythe, "Make decisions your future self will thank you for". I will take this one step further and say, "Make decisions future generations will thank you for."

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