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The Rules for Marriage 101

Jumpman, Jumpman, Jumpman

I never understood why, when people get married, they want to hangout with their single friends. I know of a few that have gotten married and still thought they were single; and let me say not all people cheat. Now don't get me wrong there are some cool single people (including myself) that would never jeopardize a relationship because you reap what you sow and you have to be very careful on how you treat people. Apparently, many have forgotten the golden rule. So when news broke that Scottie and Larsa Pippen were getting divorced I was shocked just like the rest of the world. They were just together a week prior to an event supporting their daughter wearing wedding rings. I couldn't foresee being married for 10 years, yet alone 19 years, and then one day say, "I want to divorce you." But when Pandora box opens, it will reveal things you can no longer hide; you can be rich and famous and still be a mess.

Let me first catch you up: last week Scottie filed for divorce from Larsa his wife of 19 years. Reports had surfaced that Larsa was jumping on private jets living the good life with Future in Las Vegas and Miami within the last two months. She has stated that they are really good friends. Now if your a married 42-year-old married woman with four children you would think her groupie days were over, seeing as she married Michael Jordan's best friend.

But some forget the alleged cheating Scottie did when he played for the Chicago Bulls. Could this be a "monkey see, monkey do" scenario? Now you can have ratchet friends and still maintain an alter ego for awhile but the real you will show up and show out. Maybe she wanted a rapper with 7 kids and 5 baby mothers?

I remember having a conversation with an associate of mine. He recently got married and asked me when was I going to get married? I explained to him that I'm not at that point in my life and when I'm ready everyone will know. He proceeded to explain how I don't have that long and I should do it when I'm young. Now my thought as he was talking was why would I mess myself up like that knowing I could destroy two people lives forever because I wasn't ready? Now I'm not saying that Larsa wasn't ready to be a wife, but there are rules and regulations to marriage and messing around with a rapper with 5 baby mamas isn't a good look at her age. I can never understand why you would spend half of your life with someone and then just up and walk away. Just remember the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

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