"Oh my god, she's dating him already?"
"Are you sure he's not just a rebound?"
"Isn't it a little too soonfor her to be dating again?"
"Didn't she like, justbreak up with her old boyfriend?"
You know what's really neat? All of these questions have the same exact answer:It's none of your business.
Awesome, right?
A relationship, specifically a romantic one, is a personal matter, between the two people in it, not the rest of the world.
In my previous relationship, I was unhappy. Very, very unhappy. In my current relationship, I am happy. Very, very happy. That's what matters, right? Not how much time passed in between the two? Right? Right?
Thank you for showing me that your gossip is more important than my happiness.
Thank you for showing me that the time stamp on my relationship is more important than the health of it.
Time is literally a social construct. That's it. Time is also a situational aspect, meaning there is no "acceptable" or "right" amount of time for someone to wait in between relationships. So to judge me based on the time I spent single is absurd.
I can feel more "at home" with a person who has been in my life for three days than a person who has been in my life for three years.
It literally is as simple as that.
Better yet, your perception of my former relationship is solely based on what you see on social media. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors. From the outside looking in, everything is sunshine and rainbows, smiles and kisses.
But it doesn't show the fighting, the possessive actions, the jealousy and bitterness.
Social media allows us to put on a charade of happy happy happy, allowing us to hide from the world how truly unhappy and unhealthy our relationships can be.
Now, in my new relationship, I am genuinely happy. It's not an act, not a charade. And suddenly no one can shut up because they all think they know me better than I know me. They think they know more, they've been around the block a time or two. News flash, you're barely scratching the surface.
I should not have to restrict myself and my happiness to a time constraint because of other people's opinions. There is no right time to say "Okay, everyone else is over it, so now we can date and be happy."
It is my life. I live it for me, and no one else. There is no correct timeline on how one should live and love.
Sure, while you may see it as "jumping" from relationship to relationship, I see it as putting myself and my happiness first.