You're in college. At this point in your life, you need to have some idea of what you want to do with your life after college. College is not only the opportunity for you to have the best four years of your life but also, using this time to gain connections in the field you're trying to pursue. Working hard in college is just as important is going out on a Friday night.
Freshman year is all about figuring out what you love to study most. It's about taking classes that peak your interests and help you narrow down your decisions in regards to what you're studying. Learning what area you're going to study is the first important in taking the first steps in creating a foundation for yourself. Yes you. This is your moment to take advantage of your time at college. Sometimes you think you may know where you're going but in all reality, you have no idea. If someone tells you that they know what they want to do, they're lying. No one knows where they'll end up and that the great thing about college. College is the place where you learn about the life you'll be going to live.
Something else you need to do in college is get a job. Not just something that helps you earn money but a job that helps you create qualities that companies are looking for. Use your career center to find a job that will better not only your job profile but also yourself. I've learned so much from my on campus job at the President's House.
Using college to the best of your ability is so important because if you're not, well that's on you. Here's to the ones who try and succeed. May we all keep our sanity in tact, find internships, and get a job after graduation.