Julia Micheals' first mainstream pop song called Issues was big hit on the pop charts in 2017. Micheals' is a 26 year old American singer. When the song Issues first came out abnout three years ago there was alot I could relate to. I also have issues and so does she and it was comforting to know someone who is trying to become successful has the same feelings that I do. in 2018 and 2019 Micheals' had realesed and Inner Monolauges Part One and Two and now that is complete I can relate more and more as the seasons change. If you have ever felt only or have never felt heard this is something that you should take a listen to. She is going through alot of the same anxities many go through.
In her Inner monolauges part two her song " work too much" is somethikng I can personally relate to because "I work too and I just want to hanghout with my friends and do whatever I want" This balance that most adults are trying to achieve of both work and free time is still something I am trying to grasp. It becomes hard because working causes stress but not working for me also causes stress. It's a catch 22 in my case.
When Inner Monoluages part one had come out I could really relate to the song "into you"because I wanted to be around the person I had liked at the time but not be aroound them at the same time.That was conflistig as well and at the time I was going through alot of mixed emotions from my own brain and trying figure myself out.
Julia Micheals' talks about many of the struggles that young women have accep;ting their flaws in the song "body" it talks about how she is having a hard time loving the way she looks but she doesn't how she is radidating confidence around her signifigant other.
One center theme Julia has kept throughtout her disography is relationships. She has a hard time letting people in and then letting people go. trying to figure out what she wants from her partners and that she learns from her mistakes that she has made in her realtionships.One thing she realizes throughout heer inner monolauges is that she has grown from part one and part two and how they bnoth display different emotions of love , and acceoting you faults and learning from your mistakes.
Julia Micheals'exbitis personal and professional growth throughout her inner monolauges. I personally don't believe that these are just "more" pop songs. She is displaying real situations and real things she has gone through bnoth in 2018 and 2019. She displays both sides of the story and also admirts her wrongs which is some cases is hard for even the average person to do. In the song "I shouldn't have said It" just in the title alone I have things that I regret saying and I can "take it too far". OVerall the inner monolauges Part One and Two are worth a lsiten and are available on all platforms and they'll make you feel like a whole human and it's okay to have the feeling you are feeling because everyone goes through though and good times but the important thing is how you handle them.
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- Eight Reasons To Be Excited For Inner Monologue Part 2 ›
- Thanks To Julia Michaels For The Most Relatable Song Of 2019 ›