I was watching Netflix the other night and saw the movie Julie and Julia, I have seen it before and said why not it's a good movie. It kind of inspired me to cook one of the recipes, not enough to start a blog and make all of the ones in her entire cooking book. But I was proud of myself, it was just for my mom and me, she thought it was delicious. The recipe I decided to make was creamy chicken with mushrooms. I had made a list to go to the market with and about twice when I was there I had to call my mom asking her where certain things were... Sad I know, I have gone to the market before with her and alone, but for some reason was stressing and talking to myself like the average crazy person. People were looking at me... or possibly were scared to come near me. It's all good though I got all the things I needed then was headed home to chill for a little while then begin cooking. I got home to let the puppy out we took a small nap, then I cranked the music. " Alexa volume 9" it was pretty rowdy Y'all... LOL. Got some Bacardi and sprite and started cooking. Autumn my pup and I were dancing having a blast and I was attempting to make this meal perfectly. Had a few difficulties along the way, had to text a friend about some green onions. Which apparently are chives... I'm sorry never knew that. Now I do, but didn't know how to cut them either good thing for my friend, who probably thinks I'm dumb or already knows! Had to start everything on the stove, almost blew a breaker while doing it but again... it's all good. Was just going for it and with the flow. Had to put it all in the oven after the stove, of course, Autumn was oven curious. So I had to yell "HOT...HOT" Then she just runs away like a wild banshee. I was pulling it out of the oven to check it out, and almost dumped the whole thing on the floor. So that was interesting, luckily caught it and got it to the top of the stove again, or I probably would have taken the whole bottle of Bacardi and said screw the sprite and cried. But hey, who doesn't have a few meltdowns while trying to do something they normally don't do. I have a feeling if Julia was here she probably would have hit me over the head with the wooden spoon. In the end, it turned out great and I even did a nice salad along with it, I didn't have the patience to make the chocolate moose I was going to make... so coffee shakes it was. But it was nice to cook dinner for my mom, it's different and I had fun doing it. I love food so much but honestly cooking it is pretty fun too. I made a few changes to the recipe added a little more of something and it was really good. I'm quite proud of myself that I did it and succeeded in doing so. But hey it's good to shake things up a little bit give it a try once in a while!!
food Dec 03, 2018
I Cooked A Julia Child Recipe And It Turned Out Delicious
Look, Julia, I did it!