The United States Judicial System has to be the worst when it comes to the imprisonment of minorities and the reason behind building prisons. In America, black males are more likely to be imprisoned than white males. Black males are more likely to be stopped by police than white males. Black males in America are more likely to receive a harsher sentence than a white person. For example, the Stanford University case where a white male raped an unconscious female , he received a six month sentence versus the Vanderbilt University case where a black male received a 15 year sentence for committing the same crime. With that being said, African Americans make up ONLY thirty percent of the United States population. One and fifteen African American males are more likely to end up in prison than the one-hundred and six white people that end up in prison. Why is this? Racial profiling is the main reason and the people we call our authorities don't see anything wrong with this. This will continue to be a problem until we have an appropriate amount of minorities in the House of Representatives and more minorities in law enforcement. In, America, prisons are built based on the schools third grade reading scores. Mind blowing, right! If, inner city schools were provided a better education system then less prisons will be built. Also, the amount of education a person receives is based on property tax and where they live. The system will never understand that everyone cannot afford to live in the suburbs and in the hills. This is not fair to give a person poor education because of their zip code. Everything coincides with each other, the amount of education you have, the less likely you will be imprisoned, the less the education you the more likely you will be imprisoned. I feel that the same thing that happened to our grandparents in the sixties is still happening. History is repeating itself and, if we all came together as one, we can stop it from doing so. The laws that were made back then and now are not meant for minorities, they are meant for the people top ten percent also know as the majorities. The only way to make laws for your own is to be in a law making position. I say this, GET AN EDUCATION, and CHANGE THE WORLD!
Politics and ActivismAug 08, 2016
The United States Judicial System Is The Worst
Get an education, and change the world!