I have tried and tried to come up with a clever, attention-grabbing, witty intro paragraph to what will likely be one of my most controversial articles, but I can’t. So, I’ll cut right to the chase.
Stop blaming and shaming the so-called college party “culture” and those who choose to participate.
It’s over. Done. I have never been one to criticize others based on how they spend their free time and the personal choices that they make, so it is absolutely beyond me as to why another person thinks it’s acceptable to pass a judgment on me, especially based on how I decide to spend my weekends. It’s dumb, it’s catty, and it’s immature.
I don’t understand why anyone would or should think less of those who party. What does it matter to you?
There are nights when my friends and I order Chinese and watch Netflix, and there are nights where we go to parties. There are Friday nights when I am in bed by 10, and nights where I stay up until sunrise. Either way, I have fun. I’ve got great friends, I go to a college that is as strong academically as it is socially, and I’m young with limited responsibility. Why wouldn’t I take advantage of that?
“I’d rather get good grades than party my college years away.” LOL, stop right there. Parties and beer do not equal failing classes and being known as simply a party girl. My friends and I work our butts off Monday-Thursday and during the day on the weekends. Find us on the fourth floor of the library because I guarantee we will be there. I study hard for my grades because that’s the point of college and because I am motivated by the career path I am on. I’ve taken six classes three of my four semesters and I’m on the Dean’s List, which by the way I didn’t feel the need to boast about on Facebook, and I have a part time job. It is completely possible to get good grades and have a good time. Balance is a beautiful thing to master, stop using grades as a crutch.
Also, I don’t know where people get this idea that going to a party means drinking to the point of oblivion and blacking out. Parties can be fun substance free. I used to go out all the time last year and bring a bottle of water or soda and drink that while I danced around with my friends and just had fun. I have friends who don’t drink that still choose to come out, it’s not about getting plastered and dancing on bar tables, it’s about having fun with your friends.
And if someone does choose to drink, again, that is their prerogative. Is it always the right decision? Obviously not. Is it your decision? No. Again, why all the concern about what others are doing? We all have those nights when we drink a little too much, get a little too in over our heads, and that is why it’s important to be mindful of your surroundings and who you’re with. I am so grateful for my friends because they truly are some of the most kind-hearted people ever. I know that if I ever went a little too hard one night, they would be there to take care of me, because I’ve seen them do it for other people, girls we had never even met before. Not only is it good karma to take care of those who temporarily cannot look after themselves, it’s simply the humane thing to do.
I sometimes forget in the midst of all the responsibilities and adulting that I’m only 20 years old, not even halfway through college. These are the years to have fun, to be a little reckless, to have fun, to create memories that turn into stories I can tell my friends from home. I am also grateful to have a close relationship with both of my parents who understand this mindset that I have. They’re proud of me, and at the end of the day that’s all I care about.
If you don’t want to party, props to you. I don’t judge that decision because it is yours, just like my choice to go out is mine.