A long-distance relationship doesn’t sound appealing to anyone. Being hundreds of miles away from the one you love? No thank you. Unfortunately, sometimes this is type of commitment is unavoidable, but believe it or not, there is joy in the struggle. If you can make it through the distance, odds are that your relationship will come out stronger than most. Here are six positive aspects of long-distance relationships that will bring you joy, even while missing your loved one.
1. You Develop Great Communication & Conflict Resolution Skills
In a long-distance relationship, communication is key. In fact, communication is more than key; it is essential throughout the whole relationship. Whether you are texting, Skyping, or talking on the phone, each conversation is important, and communicating clearly with your partner can make or break your day. Sometimes solely talking through technology can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and even conflict. Luckily for long-distance couples, they know that when you are miles apart, it all comes down to learning how to address and talk through problems together.
2. You Don’t Confuse Lust with Love
When a couple is long-distance, they don't have the physical interaction, so the foundation of the relationship is based on emotional connection and attraction. Being attracted to the conversations you share with someone runs much deeper rather the physical affection and it will help immensely with long-term relationship success.
3. You Learn to Trust with Your Whole Heart
This is a huge one. Without trust, no relationship will find joy, whether it is long-distance or not. There is something so pleasing about knowing you have earned and sustained your partner’s trust and they have done the same for you. In a long-distance relationship, not knowing what the other person is doing while they are miles away can be scary for some, but when there is solid, unquestioned trust, there is joy.
4. You Practice Being Patient
We live in an instant world where many things can come fast and easy. Long-distance relationships seem to be designed to teach patience. This characteristic can turn into a powerful life skill. Patience helps you accept minor
frustrations without getting stressed. It empowers you to take a long-term
view of situations and problems. It calms you in the face of life’s
challenges. When you are being patient in your long-distance relationship
you are not just ensuring your love, you are creating your character.
5. You Always Having Something to Look Forward To
In every step of the long-distance relationship there will always be something to look forward to. This may be your next trip to see each other, or looking forward to the day you will close the gap for good. There is always another step to work towards, another goal, and something to look forward to and be excited about.
6. You Realize You Found an Extremely Special Person
It takes a special kind of person to make a long-distance relationship
work. The one you have found is no different. You know that no matter what
you go through, or how long it takes, they will stand beside you, and
support you every step of the way.