I've officially been to three different colleges in my life time and that's okay. I started off going to school out of state right after high school and at first it was great. I met my best friend and I was involved in different things but than in just a few short weeks when school started everything started to fall apart. I ended up having crazy roommates, terrible professors, and I was living in an unsafe environment. There was seriously an armed robbery in my dorm parking lot and I was sexually harassed by multiple different guys. It was miserable so I decided that I was going to go back home and just attend my little community college until I decided where I wanted to attend next which ended up being The University of Akron. I signed a lease for a apartment in which I would have three other roommates that I did not know and with the previous roommate experiences I had before that was a terrifying thought. Luckily I was blessed with three amazing roommates who I'm already starting to become good friends with. So step one of the transfer process went well. Well moving on to part two was scheduling my classes and making sure that all of my classes from my community college were going to transfer over and be equivalent to the classes that they had at Akron. Luckily they did so step two went pretty smoothly. Moving on to step three which will be my actual move in to my apartment. I had one person helping me move all my stuff in and being a girl I had a crap ton of stuff that I had to somehow manage to fit in my room. Good news step three is not where it starts going bad for me because even though moving in took me like three hours due to the lack of help I had it went well and my room is super adorable. Step four was to make new friends and figure out where I was going which I'm currently still working on. I left my small home town to go to a bigger city where there are tons more people and honestly that sort of stressed me out. I will be walking on the street and people will ask me where so and so building is and I cannot answer them because I don't know either. Right now my new friend group is super small and pretty much everyone is either working or doesn't feel like going out which brings me to the fifth and final part of my transfer journey which is to find a new job. I was searching for about three weeks trying to find a job that would be able to assist me in paying my rent. I recently just found one so that step is complete but knowing that you have a $700 rent to worry about and no job is a scary thought. Anyways this is my journey through the transfer process and this is for anyone who was also a transfer student and knows how it feels to go through what I went through