Dear, Mom and Dad,
You just dropped me off for my first day of Kindergarten.
I walked in holding my big brother's hand with my cousin on the other side.
I turned around, waved, and smiled and saw you wipe a tear from your face because your little baby is little no more.
Over the years, I'm going to walk out the door, of the house, or the car, and hear "Have a great day, I love you," a thousand times.
And you know what?
That's okay.
Because for the years to come, you two will be my rock. The most annoying people some days, but most importantly, my best friends.
I'm going to go ahead and apologize for some of the many things that will happen over this time because no kid is ever perfect. I mean your life would be boring if I didn't give you some sort of headache.
I'm sorry for forgetting my lunch and you having to bring it to school. Waking up at a young age is really hard and let's be honest, the real reason I left it is because I just needed a good ol' hug from my mommy.
I'm sorry for not doing a homework assignment. That movie with my older brothers was so good and sleeping on the couch with all of them was just too comfortable to get up and when we are all quiet, you've said it best, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I'm sorry for talking too much in class the other day. I just couldn't wait to tell my friends how much fun I had with my dad. When mom works late, dad spoils me and gives me sugar to aggravate my mom.
I'm sorry for playing rough and scraping my knees on the playground. I just saw all my friends jump off the monkey bars so I thought it would be cool, too. If all your friends jumped off a building, would you do it? Well, if there were monkey bars right there and sand was underneath... umm, yes
Even though when I walk through the school door, I may not be your little one anymore, you will always be mine. You have held up a standard for me and giving me this great life. As I start my journey, it's my turn to hold it up now.
I'm going to go learn and grow up just like you two. Coloring is going to turn into drawing. Drawing is going to turn into writing. Writing is going to turn into spelling. Spelling is going to turn into tests. Tests turn into papers and that is when my brain turns to jelly.
However, on the days where I feel like jelly and don't want to work, I'll remember what I started off years ago doing and that is to make you proud of me.
I'll have your comfort, love and support throughout everything. I can't go wrong when I have this because when you're right there, I can't lose.
Dear mom and dad, I won't let you down.