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'Separate Ways' By Journey Is The Greatest Music Video Of All Time And These Are Its 10 Best Moments

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'Separate Ways' By Journey Is The Greatest Music Video Of All Time And These Are Its 10 Best Moments

Don't listen to the haters. "Separate Ways" is the best video of all time, and it can't be debated. Some people might say it looks like Journey went to a dock, had no budget, and shot the video on an iPod touch, but I say screw that. This is a video that should be celebrated, and I must be the one to do it. Here are the best moments from the video.

10. The musical instruments appearing


What an incredible beginning to the video. You think to yourself, "Will they play air instruments the whole time?" Then BANG, the instruments appear in a special effect that not even Spielberg could have pulled off. Underrated is the PVC piping holding up the keyboard.

9. This close up of Steve Perry's mouth


This video is full of facial close-ups, but at one point the director said, "No, we need to get even closer." Great decision on their part. The mouth is where notes come from, so obviously, we need to get as close to it as possible; nothing else matters. If I'm Steve Perry, I'm glad I brushed my teeth that day.

8. The girl walking between their heads


This is a great shot of powerful singing and walking, but it somehow won't be the top moments involving close-ups with them and her. I bet this girl was thrilled when she showed up on set and was told she was just going to randomly walk around a dock for an hour and never smile.

7. Steve Perry power fists


For some reason, Steve Perry only knows how to sing with super clenched fists. I mean this entire video he is clenching every bit of rage into those things that he must have cuts on his palms. Seriously, watch the video and count the amount of times he opens those paws; it's very few.

6. The group shot on wooden pallets


The best part of this shot is definitely mustache guy with his leg up. This is quickly followed by a camera shift for no reason and Steve Perry concluding with his power fists. What a band. What a decade. What a life.

5. The mounted keyboard


Now we are really getting into the good stuff. There is a constant battle in this video between instruments and no instruments. Clearly, the mounted piano is the alpha instrument. How is it stuck up there? How does he play it like that? No one knows the answers, but everyone enjoys it.

4. The four person head turn


We could not just settle for dramatic close-ups of individuals, we needed a dramatic four-person turn led by our mustachioed hero who may actually just be a homeless person. The synchronicity and power in the facial expressions hit me right in my soul.

3. When we find out it was all a dream


I didn't know Journey went to the M. Night Shyamalan schools of twist endings. This twist is particularly incredible because there is absolutely no reason for it. All that happens in this video is she walks around, and they perform a song in weird positions throughout the dock. There is nothing of consequence or mystical about it. Whatever, none of this really happened, I guess.

2. When they sing at the girl


The four-person head turn is the Scottie Pippen to this closeup's Michael Jordan. It's the third jump cut to Steve Perry at the end that really puts this over the top. His chest shakes are phenomenal, and all of their energy is a perfect foil to the girl's stoic beauty.

1. The air keyboard


Wow. There could be no other winner. This performance of the air keyboard has me convinced that this guy is a paid actor and not actually in Journey. There is no way a real keyboardist could think that is how you play the keyboard. The up and down motion next to a rare open-handed Steve Perry with his hair blowing in the wind make this a perfect shot in a perfect video.

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