As a journalist, I have become a major word nerd over the years. I have also adopted some interesting hobbies. And being that most of my friends are journalists as well, I know I am not alone.
Here are 11 things only journalists do for fun but everyone else should start doing as well.
1. Request public records.
There is nothing more satisfying than requesting some good 'ol public records for a story you're working on. But once you know how to quickly request public records, it can be really addicting. Soon you'll find yourself requesting them
2. Have discussions about the First Amendment.
While every journalist is unique in his or her own way, we all have one thing in common: We back the First Amendment with everything we've got.
3. Actually read newspapers.
In case you didn't know, they're those black and white things you see at the coffee shop. Unfortunately, they are no longer "read all over."
4. Go to sleep for dinner.
Some of you have never been to sleep for dinner and it shows. Real journalists know the struggle of running around all day chasing stories only to come home and have a nice bowl of sleep for dinner. No time for food - we must be ready to go in the morning.
.5. Watch "Spotlight"...again.
Easily one of the best movies of all time, "Spotlight" absolutely earned Best Picture. And journalists make it a point to watch it at least 80 times a year. Time well spent, if you ask me.
6. Get in heated debates over the Oxford comma.
There are two types of people: Those who like words, writing, and the Oxford comma, and those who like words, writing and absolutely no Oxford comma in sight.
7. Shop for typewriters we'll never use.
Because journalists like to do edgy things like pretend to be hipsters and totally disregard advancements in technology. Yes, I'm talking to you, notebookers.
For those who don't know, a "notebooker" is a journalist who refuses to use a recorder or his phone during an interview and instead tries to frantically write every word down by hand because it's "the right way to do it."
8. Document everything.
It's in our nature, after all. Someone has to be behind the camera for memories to live on, even if it's just that delicious avocado toast from that joint downtown.
9. Talk about current events constantly.
Sometimes it even gets competitive. No one wants to be that friend who is always the least up to date with current events and has to hear, "What kind of journalist are you?"
10. Laugh about how broke we are.
11. Drink coffee like it's going out of style.
I'm convinced all journalists have a coffee tolerance of infinity. You've hit your peak when you can drink four cups of coffee and somehow still go to sleep right after.
The best thing about journalists is that we have no shame. We've seen it all, so we can't be that bad...right?