I know all majors have amazing opportunities and staff and things as well but the J-School definitely takes the cake for — in my opinion — the best school at the university. Yeah I’m biased, for sure. What’s even better is that you hear about the journalism school so much more because we’re all writers (HA HA)!
1. Best Labs On Campus
Every time my Carolina Card makes that door handle turn green I get a happy feeling in my heart. I’m a journalism student and I get access to the best labs on campus baby! Every program you need, you can get it on these babies. Also, you can pull all-nighters with the best snack machines on campus too, woot-woot.
2. Media Law
Depending on which professor you were able to get, this class could be hell or a deeper version of hell. If you dare to print out all of the cases you need to know, your stack will resemble the new tax bill that no one actually read. May the odds be ever in your favor!
3. One Word: Frank
At some
4. jOb CoNnEcTiOnS
The J-school takes a lot of pride in their alumni. With their names, graduation dates, and current job positions displayed all around the building on monitors, they really appreciate how far they’ve gone. Alumni come back and talk, help with projects, and do everything they can to help us, current students, out. By chance, a news anchor I interviewed happened to be in the exact class and had done the exact project I was doing when I interviewed her. How cool! They provide a vast network for students to have jobs and internships easily when needed too.
5. Opportunities
There is literally so much you can do and be apart of in the journalism world. The amazing staff