Journalism has changed over the years, some for the better, we have better technology and we have gone digital. But when it comes to writing and reporting stories, most journalists are biased and that's ok. when writing an opinion piece it is about your views on the matter. But when you are reporting a story we journalist should be unbiased and see both sides.
But in the last 10 years, it has been hard to find a story that sees both sides. A journalist will be biased sometimes we are human after all, but when it's not an opinion piece we need to keep our views to ourselves.
Politics is one of the biggest problems when it comes to reporting on the story, no one can be unbiased because everyone has a strong view of our government and everyone is different. We have seen on so many different news stations you see who they favor and only report the goods stuff, and trash the other party.
This is why people don't like journalists.
I have seen all over social media about people going off on news articles because they didn't like what they said and called them biased and wrong. And that they should think this way or should have written on the other party.
Thomas Charters
We, as journalists, are going to find people that hate our writing and what we report on because they don't think the way we do and that is how it should be. We all have our own opinions and views on how this world works and who should be in power. But on the other hand journalist have also lost respect for who is in power when it comes to politics, and they will even make fun of them, which really looks bad for others because then people think that all journalist our like that.
You should never make fun of someone, especially when you are broadcasting live on TV, or even writing it in a newspaper. More and more people are losing respect for journalism because of this. I can be biased just like everyone else, I try not to have it come through my writing unless it is an opinion piece. I have forced myself to include things that I don't agree on, to make the subject look better than I personally view them.
When a journalist says they are not biased then they are lying, because everyone has an opinion- no matter what they say. And it's really not about the bias in the news it's more about the fairness and the respect. We should be seeing all sides of the story, not just one because it is unfair to the other side because we don't hear theirs. We have people calling stories fake news, and that journalists don't know what they are talking about and what they say are all lies.
And this is mainly when it comes to politics, the nation is so divided, someone is going to get mad or offended in some way. And that is fine, we are news writers we are not here to make people happy, we are here to report on what is going on in the world no matter if we like it or anyone else.
I love being a journalist and yes I have my own views on things even when it comes to politics, but I will also see both sides before writing that story because I know everyone is going to see and read it. We need to have all the facts from all sides to be completely unbiased when writing a news story.