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37th day of Nuxis in the year RH: 6739
Boredom does not suit the academic. Neither does the sea. I fear I have run out of research material to pour over for the trip and thus, without distraction, found myself afflicted with sea sickness. So to stave this off I have chosen to write some informative entries into this journal. Forgive me if most of it is common knowledge, my health could care less.
So lets assume you have no clue about the world we live in. There exists four continents across the northern hemisphere: Ecclesia, Elis, Barog, and Gianla.
Ecclesia, as I mentioned previously, is an island continent, and a country. It was originally inhabited by the Genasi, a race highly bonded to the four main elements of the world: Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. The continent itself is a wonder, as it contains many vastly different biomes located within very close proximity to each other. It has desert, tundra, rainforest, temperate forest, plains, swamps and mountains. Legends say that the continent itself was crafted by grand elemental beings from all the elemental planes. Perhaps, if this proves true, then maybe they created Glyph Lake.
Elis is the most northern continent and includes the most northern pole. There are three countries that exist on this continent, though the third can hardly be called a country. The most prominent of these countries is Elias, also known as The Land of El by its inhabitants. El exists of a cascade of geographical features. To the most north, creating a crownlike border around the pole is the Heaven's Gate Mountain Range. These mountains are so tall and with such harsh weather that no known being has ever crossed over them to see the pole. Next comes the Heaven's Shadow coniferous forest and then south of that is the Purgatory Plains, where most cities of Elias are built. Lastly comes the Hellscape Swamps on the southern shore. To Elias' east lies the Gnomish kingdom of Balbiania. This kingdom is very quirky and consists of sporadic forests and rolling sub arctic hills. To Elias' west is the Wastes. This barely has any justification to be called a country as it has no formal civilization. It is an unlivable arctic waste of pure anarchy for whatever sentient life exists there. The closest it has to governance is the Ice Queen. A cold hearted elemental and ruler in the farthest north of the land that cares only for removing heat from her land and all her supposed subjects.
It is getting late. I shall cover Barog and Giania tomorrow.