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38th day of Nuxis in the year RH: 6739
Returning to my discussion of the continents of our world. Next comes Barog. Barog is home to three major countries. The Confederation of Barrios, and the grand kingdom of Valistria, and Psilo the nation of man. Barrios is a loose conglomeration of cities strewn across a massive desert landscape it spans the entire center of the continent from east coast to the border of Psilo to its west. The cities are all self governed, with loose alliances of trade and defense that bind them together in what can barely be referred to as a country. To Barrios' south lies what is referred to as The Wilderness with Aviadin's Line only a few miles south of the beginning to The Wilderness. The Wilderness is a dreadful and impenetrable jungle that exists on all land surrounding the theoretical line along the equator known as Aviadin's Line. Few have ever been able to cross this line, whether by land nor sea. Even magical means such as teleportation seem impossible in attempts to cross it. Very little about the southern hemisphere is known and even less is verified so I will not dwell on it.
To Barrios' north is the kingdom of Valistria with the glorious crystalline capital of Eisenyal. Valistria is largely a country of elves, though humans and half elves also find it welcoming. Valistria is perhaps one of the most prestigious countries in the world and the very country that I call home. It is a land of peace and lawfullness. Eisenyal's Crystal Palace is a palace that consists of a central tower that climbs high into the sky. It's structure is of standard stone architecture built into a towering emerald crystal that spans half a mile into the sky. It is truly a marvelous sight. Valistria is responsible for urging the treaty that created the World Council from all the major civilized countries of our world.
Psilo, is the nation of man. Though it is home to some other races, its population is approximately 96% human. It is ruled by The High King Alden, and is one of the most technologically advanced, yet secluded countries in our world. Their cities are made of metal and bizarre contraptions are a standard there. Magic receives very little love in this city, which instead favors technology and the psionic arts. This country mostly keeps to itself, however it is a major player in the World council. I know very little about it's geography though due to it's secluded nature.
The last continent of concern is Giania. This continent consists of Illestrona that spans most of the continent from the east coast to the west, The Wilderness again to the south, and the Giant Isles to the north. Illestrona is known as the refugee country. The majority of the country is full of the very nomadic race, the halflings. The country consists of feudalistic states that are managed by a single prime minister who, at present is a human female by the name of Elyzabeth Miastra. The prime minister has very few powers outside of speaking for the nation in general, and performing as mediator between the dukes and barons of the land. The country's population grew almost entirely from nomadic halflings settling there, and refugees from many different wars seeking asylum. The Giant Isles came into being from the native Giants being driven out of Illestrona by the waves of refugees and settling into the northern penninsulas and islands of the continent of Giania. For a long while this produced bad blood between the two countries, however recent events have produced an alliance and a surprising relationship of brotherhood.
My ink well seems to be running dry. I will be unable to write again until I refresh my stocks.