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33rd day of Nuxis in the year RH: 6739
This pas week the crew mutinied. It was a dreadful ordeal but hardly unexpected. Fortunately the captain held my same misgivings about the crew and had prepared for the attack. We lost about 10 good men, including one of my two dull research assistants. He was the first to go. It was probably the first useful thing he did in his whole life for it was his stupidity that had unearthed the mutinous plans of the crew. Shame it is also the last useful thing the chap ever did. Now I'l be a bit short staffed for my research camp. Maybe Ecclesia may bear some useful traveler whose assistance I can requisition. My respect for the captain and my security escort Elizaba increased a thousandfold this week as the pair made a marvelous rebuke of the mutineers with considerably minimal loss under the circumstances. Tis a shame we were set back a week in our schedule by this however. This will leave me very little of the month of Shift to conduct my research before the cold weather of the month of Piint starts in.
According to accounts of the captain and my escort the head of the mutiny was a stowaway who bore strange tattoos all over his body and whom had apparently been able to conjure a monstrous insectoid-like creature known as a Carrion Crawler. His dying words were "The void gives and consumes all". He was very odd, and I suspect was either part of a cult, or more likely on some strange drug. I've heard whispers of the crew mentioning the phrase "Void Cultist" in scared voices. I wonder if this cult has any investment in my expedition, or was merely trying to hijack a ship for economic reasons and it had just been my luck that they picked this ship. I guess we will have to be weary in case they are yet another cult who has become obsessed with Glyph Lake.
While I'm on the topic of cults obsessed with Glyph Lake, I would like to note here some more information that I uncovered through the reading of my books involving cults of Glyph Lake. Obviously, the first known cult was of the Genasi tribe. But it was not the only one. After the Genasi disappeared from Ecclesia, there was a human druidic cult that worshiped and protected it. Next came a small elven band of meteorological wizards who seemed to use the lake as an arcane focus for their spells used to shift the weather of Ecclesia. These wizards were slain by the cult of necromancers who worshiped the Great Lich whom later wrought havoc upon Ecclesia and almost the world and who, before he was defeated by heroes that had initially been his pawns, had left one third of Ecclesia irreversibly tainted with negative necrotic energy. That necromancer cult eventually was driven off by Gnoll slavers who migrated to the region, however the Gnolls bore no love toward the lake. Ever since the Gnolls were scattered by the reformation of the nation of Ecclesia the Lake has experienced a fairly long period of two decades with no residents near it's shores. Which is good for me, because I would really rather not deal with any more religious zealots like that void cultist while conducting my study.