I cannot believe it is almost a year since this great adventure. A year has passed, and I finally had the urge to dive into my old journal. It had meaning at the time. During that week-long service trip, I looked forward to laying on the cold, wooden floor each night. It was an escape, and a time to reminisce the impact that my group had made just a few hours before. From there on, writing for enjoyment has always been a favorite pastime of mine. Here are three benefits why trying to do a journal entry a day is beneficial.
1. Clears out your mind.
Whether it is coming from an eight hour work day or a full day of classes, getting your thoughts down on paper will do your mind justice. Your feelings/emotions to how your day went will all be down on paper. They will no longer be a burden to you.
2. Venting without judgment.
I am at fault for venting a little too much from time to time. It is surely an aspect of my life that needs improvement. Keeping a running journal gives an individual the chance to write whatever they may please. A very good aspect of writing in a journal is that it will never talk back to you; a judgment-free zone.
3. Allows you to put meaning back into your life.
What you put in the entries makes all the difference. Who knew that I would reach a point in my life where I would find the utmost amount of pleasure writing Bible versus in my journal. Nothing has drastically changed, however, since I still love to write about meaningful aspects of life. Also, I still have no self-control when it comes to filling up the pages with soulful quotes.