The newest music video from the Jonas Brothers is here, and it's unsurprisingly amazing.
In less than six months, the Jonas Brothers have announced their comeback, dropped an album, embarked on a national tour, and released two incredible music videos. Obviously, they are anything but "Only Human."
Still, they selected "Only Human" – the third song on their new album, "Happiness Begins" – as the backtrack for their latest video. The song is a major bop, and the music video is EVEN BETTER.
Could "Only Human" be the greatest Jonas Brothers music video since "Burnin' Up" (or dare I say "Year 3000")? Based off of these already iconic moments, it's possible.
1. The "going live" countdown
There's nothing like a countdown to get you pumped up for what's to come.
2. Jack Lawless on the drums
Jack was a member of the jobro's band pre-breakup, and he is 1/4 of Joe's new band, DNCE. His inclusion in this video was SO deserved (especially given the song's DNCE vibes).
3. The ladies in the audience singing along
How did they score an invite to this party and WHY was I not included?
4. All. those. bubbles.
Can these make an appearance when they play "Only Human" on tour, please?
5. Nick's strange but wonderful moments behind the blinds
Not sure why it happened, but I'm into it.
8. Joe's pole dancing
Can THIS happen on tour, too?
If you haven't gotten a chance to watch the video in it's entirety, what are you waiting for?? Here it is.
Jonas Brothers - Only