7 Thoughts You Have When You See The Jonas Brothers In Concert | The Odyssey Online
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7 Thoughts You Have When You See The Jonas Brothers In Concert

They’re back together and it is the best.

7 Thoughts You Have When You See The Jonas Brothers In Concert

The Jonas Brothers got back together recently and are currently on tour. I purchased tickets for me and my friend and it was honestly the best concert ever. Here are 10 thoughts I had while we were sitting at the concert.

1. OMG, it's the Jonas Brothers.

It's one thing to know they are back together and stuff but it's a whole other thing to go to their concert and see them perform live. Like, oh my God, it is actually them for real.

2. I wonder what they will be singing.

I went into the concert wondering what they would actually sing and hoping they would sing many of their older songs.

3. Omg, they're singing Year 3000.

When they sang Year 3000 it was the best thing I ever heard. I almost cried.

4. Look at them. Still in shock that they are right there.

We had pretty close seats and I could not believe how close we were to them and that they were right there. Where we were, we saw them backstage before they got onto the stage.

5. Ahhh, it's Kevin, Nick, and Joe.

Being excited to see them.

6. Burnin' up.

In general, hearing burnin' up live. We felt the heat from the fire they had during the song. It was everything I could've hoped for.

7. I don't want this to end.

I didn't want them to stop singing or end the concert. It was the best experience.

If anyone has a chance to go to the Jonas Brothers concert, I highly recommend going. I couldn't have been happier or more excited about it. It exceeded my expectations.

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