Jon Hamm Involved in UT Fraternity Hazing Incident in 1990 | The Odyssey Online
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Jon Hamm Involved in UT Fraternity Hazing Incident in 1990

Jon Hamm Involved in UT Fraternity Hazing Incident in 1990

Jon Hamm, the actor famous for his role as Mad Men's alpha male Don Draper, will say a final goodbye to fans in the series finale on May 17. And yet his name is making headlines for other reasons.

According to the court and the University of Texas at Austin records, Hamm was involved in a hazing incident with his Sigma Nu fraternity brothers in 1990. The incident resulted in the chapter's permanent dissolution.

After a 20-year-old pledge failed to recite something he was responsible for remembering, Hamm and his brothers allegedly punished him. The pledge said Hamm willfully participated, shoving dirt in his face, paddling him, and even going as far as setting his pants on fire.

Hamm was charged with hazing and assault but only received deferred adjudication for the first charge; the second charge was dismissed. In compliance with the adjudication, he was never convicted and given mandatory probation hours. University records show Hamm withdrew from UT shortly after the incident. Four of his participating brothers were faced with misdemeanor hazing charges.

The pledge filed a lawsuit and withdrew from the University to seek medical attention. By 1993, the lawsuit was dismissed.

Hamm has yet to release a public statement since the release of this information. While it is unlikely that Mad Men will lose loyal fans over the released information in their last season, it is an important lesson. Hamm has created a public persona -- be it on talk shows or gala carpets -- that allows him to come across as a well-mannered, respectful man. And although the 1990 incident cannot be a complete judge of character, it is notable to recognize that the media only gives us a glimpse into the true character of these famed figures.

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