Before joining a sorority you become very used to hearing people tell you why you shouldn’t even consider it. Whether it's “You’re joining to pay for your friends” or “They’re going to haze you” anyone who's thought about joining a sorority or is currently in one has heard these words.
Well before I go any further let me make something clear-- I'm speaking from experience and absolutely none of those things are true.
Trust me I am not one for clichés (and to be honest the whole singing in a door stack is kind of weird to me too) but joining a sorority has truly changed my life.
I’m not one to beat around the bush by saying that I have 100% always loved being in a sorority because there are most definitely flaws within every organization. There are the dues and many specific requirements you need to uphold like grades, service hours and being in other clubs on campus but now that I look back, it was all worth it. It was all for a purpose to help us grow and see other new things in the world.
Entering my last year of college (the scariest things I have ever said) has really been hitting me hard lately. I’ve been nostalgic lately and I can honestly say I thank all of it to my sorority, Delta Gamma.
You’ll hear it from a lot of girls that being in a sorority helps you find your people and whether you like it or not, it’s totally the truth. It has shown me both the truest of friends and has even shown me that some friendships aren't meant to last a lifetime. And that's okay because everything in life serves a purpose, some might be temporary and some might be permanent.
It has shown me that if you work hard you can play hard, and hard work does pay off. Each year is a little different from the next because the older girls leave and new girls come. And each year you start becoming older and before you know it is your turn to leave and pass the baton.
I can’t say that I found my friends over night or felt personal growth within a week of joining but that’s the point. It’s about knowing you have the potential to grow and that you're surrounded by 150 plus girls that are right there beside you doing it themselves.
Finding your forever friends is one of the best feelings you’ll ever have. It’s having a second family and knowing each person serves a specific purpose in your group and together you make each other whole. Knowing that you have people that will always have your back unconditionally and support you in all your endeavors is incredible. Sometimes it may take a couple tries to find your people but promise you when you do, it will be all worth it.
I look back on the last three years and I think about my friends, my job and all my crazy adventures and smile because all of those things are linked back to DG. Without Delta Gamma, I wouldn’t have met my forever people to share my adventures with and my job that's helped me through my collegiate years.
I’ve huffed and puffed and complained about things here and there but at the end of the day, I am truly forever grateful for all it’s given me. I’ve tried to imagine life without all of it, but I can’t and I don’t care to know how that life would be either.
I think what I’ve loved most about joining a sorority is we are not all the same. There are over 150 of us girls and none of us are the same which is absolutely amazing to me. It has taught me so many things and opened so many doors to opportunities to do things I wouldn’t have imagined in my wildest dreams. It’s shown me that uniqueness and diversity do exist and it’s wonderful. It’s prepared me for the real world and shown me that it’s okay to be myself because that person is awesome and you should always stay true to you.
So next time someone tells you to not join a sorority because “you’re paying for your friends” please don’t listen to them. My advice to you is to do it, find your home, do not listen to rumors or stereotypes and remember that you get what you put in, so give it your all because it will be one of the best decisions of your life.
I want to give a special thank you to my chapter, Delta Gamma Delta Kappa Chapter, you girls are my rocks. You have helped mold me into the person I am today. You guys have been there for me when I needed you the most and have been a constant reminder that I am not alone in whatever I may be going through. I know that I have a support system not just for four years but for life. I have the bridesmaids to my wedding and friends for a lifetime and for that I am forever grateful. LITB
Not Your Average Sorority Girl