Being in a national sorority has a lot of perks, and not the stereotypical, usually false ones you’d assume. The first female astronaut AND first female senator were both Greek. Countless important women across America today are sorority women. Here are some of the top reasons NPC women are bound for great things in their futures.
According the National Panhellenic Conference website, “ NPC is one of the oldest and largest women’s membership organizations representing more than 4 million women at 655 college/university campuses and 4,500 local alumnae chapters in the U.S. and Canada.” The amount of connections just from your own chapter's alumni is pretty amazing in itself, but compared to the amount of connections that your sorority has across the country is a thousand times larger. Putting both those numbers aside, connecting to NPC women across the country is a true gift. But how do we network? Aside from networking events and workshops, meeting another NPC woman is a truly amazing experience and regardless of the letters stitched on your windbreaker (and your heart) you have an instant connection and plenty to talk about.
Leadership Opportunities
Whether you dream big and run for Executive Board or can’t afford to donate the time and volunteer for a smaller committee you are given countless opportunities to bulk up your experience, resume, LinkedIn, etc. It feels great to have genuine hands-on experience that you can relay to a potential future employer.
Academic Excellence
Sorority women are held to a standard of a specific GPA requirement and utilize all tools possible to ensure success in the academic area, such as tutors, reward programs, study buddies, and library hours. Statistics show that graduation rates are 20 percent higher among the Greek community versus non-Greek.
Sorority women are held responsible for their actions more than any other female college student. You don’t represent just yourself… you represent your chapter, your nationals, your sisters. Therefore we hold ourselves to a respectable high standard, we are able to present ourselves in a professional manner before we even graduate. Additionally, the amount of events you are required to attend teaches you to be accountable and responsible for certain things. This therefore trains you for a professional atmosphere.
Amazing Opportunities
Aside from leadership, NPC organizations offer SO MANY different kinds of opportunities. For example, my sorority Sigma Delta Tau hosts a National Alternative Spring Break Program. This program allows you to spend your spring break in Florida while volunteering at a home for abused children. Almost every single NPC organization offers a Collegiate Leadership Consulting Team for alumni to get involved with different chapters across the country and help guide them through different obstacles.
The most common reason for transfers or drop outs at American Universities is a lack of community. The majority of sorority women will tell you they considered transferring or didn’t feel at home at their school until they went Greek. You truly find your family away from home and are able to establish a deep connection and tight knit community, which therefore enriches your college experience. My sisters are my everything, and without SDT and the Greek community I would look at graduation in a much different light. Bring it world, I’m an NPC woman… I’ve got this.