From a very young age, I believed in God. My family went to church, I went to Sunday school, I was a part of different church groups, whether it was Pioneer Girls or AWANA. I remember singing "Jesus Loves Me" and "Jesus Loves the Little Children." Either one of my grandpas would say grace when we were all having meals together at holidays. These memories now stick with me as an adult.
As I got older, I was disappointed in myself that I put God on the sidelines. After I was too old for Pioneer Girls, I stopped hanging out with people my age that loved God. I think a part of me was too anxious to put myself in a situation where I didn't know a lot of people (silly now thinking back on it). I always thought about joining Youth Group, I just never got around to it (bad excuse on my part).
Let's flash forward a couple years, because it did get better.
When I was a junior in college, there were a few things going on that I had all but given up on. My major no longer fit who I was and where I saw myself going. I felt like an outsider in a lot of different places and in a lot of parts of my life. We all ask for signs and I got one. One day, as I was driving to school, I was overcome with this feeling that I needed to change my major. As I got closer and closer to school, I knew what I had to do. For the first time in a long time, I listened to what was literally throwing at me. I joined Campus Ambassadors shortly after my decision to change my major.
For the remainder of that school year, I tried to attend as many meetings as I could. I saw familiar faces and brand new people to my life. Because Hartwick is so close to SUNY Oneonta, they come together and have meetings and open mics and other things of the sort. I met more people there, actually knowing some people from high school. I've continued going to summer meetings that we put together. I started going to church pretty regularly, too.
CA has done a lot for me and I can feel God's blessings in everything I connect to the group. Here are just a few of them:
1. Relationships with other Christians.
I've met so many new people since I joined CA. They are some of the kindest and welcoming people I've had the privilege of meeting. We can have deep conversations about our similarities in faith, what's going on in our lives and how we can see God working through and with us. Not only have I met new people, but some of my friendships have become even stronger. That's something I am really grateful for.
2. Mentors in abundance.
Because CA is primarily a college group, we have advisors. The many that I've come to know are amazing men and women that are using their own relationships with God to help others either find Him and grow their relationships with Him and other Christians. It's amazing to sit down and talk with them or to be part of a group during Bible Study.
3. Awesome church communities.
I was always nervous to attend a church service after being away for awhile. I can't believe that I was ever afraid. I felt so welcomed my first night at the Crossing and when I went to Anchor recently for the first time, I had the same welcome. People are excited to see you and they'll ask you how you're doing and I find it so peculiar that I ever thought anything different would ever happen.
4. Worship music.
I don't know if it's because I understand it more or if Christian music was re-vamped, but there are some amazing worship songs out there that I relate to a lot more now. Ever since I went to Anchor last week, one of the songs we worshiped to has been stuck in my head. And that's perfectly fine.
5. Journaling.
I always wanted to get into journaling. When I joined CA, I got a journal that I began writing in it daily, jotting down thoughts on a verse and have a private conversation with God. I've been a little relaxed in my journaling lately and it's something I want to get on top of again.
6. A stronger relationship with God.
Ever since I joined CA and have begun to understand how to view scripture in my life more, I have felt a stronger presence of God. Without joining this club, I don't think I would have gotten there as fast as I did. Whether I'm having a conversation or driving to work or the store, I have a stronger connection and it just feels so good.
7. Happiness.
I just generally feel happier now. It could be a combination of a bunch of different things, but my initial experience that I had within the last year brought me down this not-so-new, but refreshed path. I don't know how I could've kept going the way I was, but I am so happy that I have met the people I have in my life right now and for what they are doing through God.