If there is anything Alabama students love besides football and Nick Saban, it’s dogs! Lucky for us the Tuscaloosa Metro Animal Shelter has a program called Happy Hour from 12-4 every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday where you get to rent a dog. Simply show up, find a dog’s crate that say “Pick Me For Happy Hour,” and you are good to go! This is great for the dogs, students, and Tuscaloosa locals.
Image Credit: metroanimalshelter.org
Happy Hour allows the dogs to become exposed to people rather than being locked up in a crate. This increases their chances of being adopted quickly since they get the chance to meet prospective owners, and get to know life outside of the concrete walls and hard floors that they endure. Pet overpopulation is a huge problem in Alabama and one cause of this is pet returns. Happy Hour decreases pet returns because it allows families to see if a dog will be good around their kids and college students to decide if the dog will get along with their roommates. You will not regret an adoption when you are sure they are what you are looking for!
Image Credit: Krystina Sweet
College is filled with stress. Difficult tests, numerous homework assignments, and a busy schedule can bring students down fast. Studies show that being around a dog increases your happiness and therefore decreases the insane amounts of stress which college students go through. Happy Hour is a great way for college students to take a break from everything and for dogs to stretch their legs. And who knows maybe you’ll fall in love with one of the dogs!
My dog, Duke, was a shelter dog here at the Tuscaloosa Metro Animal Shelter. This past spring my parents came down for my sorority’s family weekend and of course I needed to rent a dog with them. We got to the shelter early because I knew it would be packed on a beautiful Friday and I wanted to pick a great dog for my parents. Sadly as I walked down the aisles of dogs, they were all chosen…except one. Duke, previously known as Abraham, was a 5-year-old pit bull with muscles bigger than what most humans have and a continuous bark. My mom was hesitant but I refused to leave the shelter without a dog. We rented him and we fell in love. He was gentle, loving, and obedient. I later found out he was going to be put down soon if no one adopted him and I couldn’t let them put him down knowing I had a home for him. I went ahead and adopted him the following week. I am thankful for Happy Hour because without it I may not have ever met Duke. Many people would pass over his crate because he seemed aggressive and barked so much, but people need to understand these dogs are locked up in a crate so what else do you expect them to do. Don’t judge a dog by their behavior in the crate, rent them and truly see what they are all about. He may be a 5-year-old pit bull on the outside, but he’s a harmless puppy on the inside.
Image Credit: Krystina Sweet
If you are looking for a dog please do not go through a breeder. There are so many shelter dogs that are waiting for someone to give them a home in both humane and kill shelters. You can find just about everything you are looking for in a dog when you choose to adopt through a shelter and they aren’t all mutts! Looking for a pure bred dog? I was at the shelter last week where my friend adopted her dog Riley and there was a pure bred Bloodhound for $100. Another plus to adopting through a shelter is the price. It is a lot more affordable and comes with many benefits. I paid $100 for my Dog and in return he came spayed/neutered, updated on his vaccines, a free rabies shot, and a free first time vet visit. Pet Smart also has an awesome free coupon book for owners that choose to adopt their pets.
Image Credit: Savannah Cowden
I truly wish more shelters would incorporate Happy Hour into their programs. I believe it is an incredible way to increase the dog’s mood and prevent them from becoming antisocial, while at the same time increasing adoption rates.
So now go out, rent a dog, and maybe you’ll save a life.