You will face many choices in college. Go out or stay in? Study or procrastinate? Greek or GDI? But at TCU, the choice isn’t that simple, because the term “Greek” encompasses multiple councils where anyone can find their home. So why should you seek your home in Eta Iota Sigma?
Here are the top six reasons:
1. We have all the fun of traditional sororities at a fifth of the cost.
College can be expensive, we all know that. Our dues are considerably cheaper than other council's dues. Which is great, because then you can spend all the extra money on the truly important things—like Comfort Color Tees and Jandals.
2. Our sorority has just as much fun as the other Greeks!
Just a few of our most recent events have included: tailgate and roller-skating mixers, a Great Gatsby formal, a hiking trip, Big/Little reveal, sisterhood retreats to Oklahoma and Dallas, and Moms/Dads Weekends. We also have an annual Ultimate Frisbee tournament where we raise money for the American Cancer Society. In the spring, we raised over $3,000 and completed hundreds of hours of community service as a chapter.
3. Can’t decide between Panhellenic and HIS? Why not join both!
Eta Iota Sigma is under the Independent Greek Council, which means that girls can have both the Panhellenic experience as well as a strong sisterhood of Christian women if they so choose. We have a number of girls who are in HIS and a Panhellenic sorority and are able to manage their time between the two quite well!
4. Grow with us and with God.
Leaving home can be hard, and college can be overwhelming. Sometimes, in the midst of it all, we can put our relationship with God on the back burner. But we are a sisterhood centered on faith and accountability. We want our PNMs to know that HIS is not only a place to find sisters for life, but it’s a place to build your relationship with God.
5. Our chapter meetings are a BLAST!
You never know when we’re going to have a special speaker, free food, or a fun surprise! At every meeting, we have praise and worship, and sometimes we even get to worship with the Christian fraternity, BYX. We also do not have a mandatory dress code, so you can just show up in your pajamas!
6. We love you for you!
We do not need to see a resume with all your awesome accomplishments from high school, because we already know that you are awesome just the way God made you! We are just happy to welcome another sister to our family!
Eta Iota Sigma was founded in 1992 as a Christian sorority and is part of the Independent Greek Council at TCU. We are a sisterhood that aims to shine our lights daily on campus. To learn more information about us, visit our website or our Facebook page.
Special thanks to co-authors Mikaela Miller and Megan Bereznay!