Going into college I knew I wanted to join a sorority. Mostly because my sister had joined one the year before me and she absolutely loved it. She told me that she'd been able to meet some really cool girls and got to meet guys at their date parties and mixers, and that's what I wanted. I was going to A&M without knowing very many people from high school, my roommate was a girl I'd known for years, and while that helped me feel like I wasn't completely on my own, but I wanted to put myself out there. I went to recruitment every day during Howdy week, and at first, I felt like I was missing out.
My roommate had already made friends at Howdy events and I still didn't know anyone. At the end of the week, I got my bid from Kappa Delta and I was ecstatic, it was the house I'd been wanting and I felt like I truly connected with the girls I talked to. Little did I know at the time, going KD would be one of the best decisions of my life. I met some of my best friends, and it truly does help me get out of the house and had helped me come out of my shell.
Now I'm not trying to convince you to join a sorority, but just to join an organization that you're passionate about and feel like you belong! There are endless benefits that outweigh the few hours a week you'll spend in meetings or at your org's functions. You'll make some best friends of your life, and some great memories along the way. These are just some of the reasons I've discovered why college students should join an organization.
1. It makes you put yourself out there.
I love to stay home. I have cats and Netflix, and that's all I thought I needed, but I get super lonely. Putting myself out there by joining a few organizations on campus honestly made me a better person, and I've met a lot of people who say the same.
2. It can help you meet your best friends.
I met some of the best girls in my organizations. We hang out all the time, I can tell them anything, and I know they will always be there for me. You won't make friends sitting in your apartment alone!
3. It can be a resume builder.
For those who are a little more practical, joining organizations will make you stand out on your resume! Jobs want employees who work well with others and will go above and beyond. What better way to showcase that than listing off the countless organizations you were a part of in college?
4. It makes your college years count.
Surprisingly enough, college isn't just about getting a degree. My parents have always told me to make my time in college count because they will be some of the best years of my life. I'm not saying I won't have some other great years sprinkled in there, but these are my last years relatively devoid of real-world responsibilities and I intend to make the most of it.
5. It is a much-needed break from school work.
I can't even count how many times I've been completely burnt out on school work and thanked the universe that I got to go to my chapter meetings because it meant I got a break and I got to see my sisters. Sure, the meetings aren't always a blast, but just being able to be in a room with my best friends is enough to make me feel refreshed when I do have to go back to my school work.
6. They're fun.
This is one of the most important things! They're fun! You get to raise money for things you're passionate about or goof around with your friends or a number of other things, but you should enjoy doing it. That's ultimately what these organizations are about.