John Mulaney is arguably one of the funniest comedians of this generation. There, I said it!
John Mulaney, with 3 Netflix comedy specials, a Broadway show, and a big role on Nick Kroll's "Big Mouth," the man is seriously one of the funniest people I've ever heard. If you haven't already watched his comedy specials a bazillion times as I have, you're seriously missing out, and we can't be friends because John Mulaney references seem to be the only thing that comes out of my mouth anymore (and Vine references).
Perhaps what makes Mulaney so amazing is that he's not problematic or vulgar. You can probably get away with watching him with your parents in the room. He's not up on stage for an hour or so throwing around perverted language or cussing unnecessarily. Which is probably why his quotes work so well for laptop stickers.
When I got my new laptop, I knew that I would either have to transfer all of my stickers from my old laptop or get new ones. So, I went on Redbubble to search for which stickers would define me. At the time, I was (and still am) obsessed with John Mulaney, so now his face and quotes take up the majority of my laptop.
Here are a few of the greats that will be sure to lure other Mulaney lovers to you in the library.
1. John Mulaney Quotes
Here is a set with some great John Mulaney quotes if you're looking to cover your ground all in one go, or those tiny spaces bigger stickers don't cover.
2. John Mulaney screaming No
You can't tell me you didn't hear John Mulaney yell "No!"
3. John Mulaney speaking the truth
Here is one of the most realistic John Mulaney quote ever, and so very perfect for a college student's laptop.
4. Lying John Mulaney
For all of those times you say no, like a liar when your friends ask you to hang out but all you want to do is take a nap
5. Street Smarts! With Detective J.J. Bittenbinder!
To remind yourself to always have Street Smarts! You know, just in case you ever find yourself needing to throw someone off their rhythm.
6. That's My Wife!
John Mulaney is pretty known for loving his wife, Anna, which is honestly so mundane, but so pure and wholesome. This sticker is my personal favorite and I have it next to my mousepad because I, too, am five-foot, Jewish, a bitch, and I think I'm pretty dynamite.
The amount of John Mulaney stickers has to offer goes into the 800s, but here are a few that will show off your love for John Mulaney and serve as humor for not only yourself, but perhaps for your friends and classmates as you sit in the library or lecture hall, listening to your professor drone on while you would rather be home, watching John Mulaney.
** I do not own or am affiliated with, any artwork shown here, as they belong to their respective Redbubble artists.