On March 16, a presidential candidate visited Villanova University. No, it wasn’t the brash Donald Trump, or the skilled but flawed Hillary, or even the darling of college students, Bernie Sanders, but rather the most obscure candidate still in the race, John Kasich. John Kasich is a candidate who has largely evaded the spotlight, as outspoken candidates like Trump, Cruz, and others fought for media attention in the fall. Rather, Kasich was content to be in the shadows, as he knew his underfunded campaign couldn’t really pick up steam until late in the primaries--March 15th in fact. There are a multitude of reasons for Kasich’s obscurity, but now is the time for America, and voters, to respect his candidacy as he becomes the last legitimate Republican threat to the Democrat nominee.
John Kasich spent his political career serving the state of Ohio, with experience as a state senator, a representative in Congress, and most recently as governor of Ohio. He is a moderate Republican, with conservative principles, but no fear to stretch a hand across the aisle in order to get the job done. He has a budget plan in mind for the future, drawing upon his experience as the Chairman of the House Budget Committee. Furthermore, he has realistic goals for national security, vowing to dedicate the armed forces to ending ISIS, but only being involved for the direct interest of the United States. While other Republican candidates are floundering in racist remarks and bigotry, Kasich is leading a positive campaign that has nothing to do with riling up fear among the populations. In a surprising move from a religious conservative, Kasich refuses to go against the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, declaring there must be respect and rights for all Americans. Simply put, Kasich believes what he believes, and makes the best decision he can in any given situation. His blue-collar, Midwestern attitude is not one usually seen in Washington, but his mindset is one that Washington could use more often.
And yet, his firm beliefs and down-to-earth demeanor could be flaws in a national election. One issue that he stands hard on is abortion. An extremely pro-life official, Kasich has made efforts to limit access to abortions in Ohio, and defunded Planned Parenthood. In regards to a flaw of his demeanor, his manners do not necessarily match those of the typical smooth-talking politician. He has a rhetoric that does not adhere to political correctness, which is both a quality to be respected, but can also question some of his rhetoric, depending on the listener’s beliefs. The Midwestern character has been a small detriment to the campaign, as even some Villanova students did not know who he was when he arrived on campus. His lack of big money or big-name contributes to the obscurity of his campaign, especially when the media clings to every insult Trump lashes at anyone.
Trump will prove to be the biggest hurdle for Kasich (and Cruz for that matter) in his campaign. The fact is, the Trump train is almost moving too fast to stop. The electoral math for a Cruz or Kasich clinched nomination is narrow, but is a candle of hope for any concerned American. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the primaries play out, as Kasich seeks wins in Midwestern states and Cruz in the upcoming Western states. Will Cruz and Kasich continue to be disjointed opponents, or will they encourage their supporters to endorse the other in states where one is more likely to win? Cruz has called on Kasich to drop out and make it a two-man race, but that might be flawed, considering Cruz can barely beat Trump one on one now. It would be best if Cruz and Kasich each took delegates away from Trump, forcing a contested convention, which would probably take the nomination away from Trump. Already, Rubio supporters have stopped protesting Kasich’s name on the primary ballot in Pennsylvania, which comes up next month.
As the 2016 election gets closer, Republican voters must realize that, whether they value the GOP or America more, Trump is not the answer. Trump is not an establishment candidate, and will almost certainly lead to the next Democratic president, despite his fervent supporters. The one Republican candidate that can challenge a Democratic nominee is Kasich, who can lead this nation into a more responsible direction, free from the controversies surrounding each political party.