Valentine's Day is usually a day about loving your significant other but how can you love someone else without loving yourself first. This is something Joey Tribbiani doesn't forget to do.. on the daily. Joey, the most loved character on friends, in my opinion, loves no one more than himself. Food is a close second though. Watch these 7 Joey moments where he showed himself some love so you don't forget to do the same.
1. He Doesn't Let Anyone Stand In The Way Of Him and His Food and Neither Should You
As we all know Joeys passion is food. I mean who's passion isn't food. Don't let anyone tell you to slim down. Go buy yourself a box of chocolates.. or two. Treat yo self and look good doing it.
2. He Is His Biggest Hype Man
Yes, Joey is not the best actor but that clearly doesn't stop him. I mean he wasn't terrible as Drake Reoray. No matter how many milk carton commercials he has to do he doesn't let anyone tell him he's a bad actor. Life lessons from Joey.
3. Even When Wearing Blue Lipstick He Has No Shame
For Joey I would buy this blue lipstick. I may not look as good but who cares.
4. In His Mind He Looks Good In Everything
I mean he does look good lets be real.
5. ..... I Mean Everything

This ones debatable but if you own it anything is possible.
6. He Owns His Shit

Never say sorry for doing what you love. For Joey thats eating.
7. Its Practical and He Looks Good So Why Not

Be bold and start new trends. Honestly catch me next thanksgiving wearing maternity pants to fit in that extra slice of pie.