6. Makes Us Think Of The Future | The Odyssey Online
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6 Reasons I Watch Joe Rogan Podcasts And You Should Too

Do you love Joe Rogan Podcasts? So do I and I'll tell you why.

6 Reasons I Watch Joe Rogan Podcasts And You Should Too
The Joe Rogan Experience YouTube Channel

For years I have followed Joe Rogan. From comedy sitcoms, to fear factor, to UFC, and now YouTube podcasts... the guy does it all. I have always found this guy to be so interesting in the way he displays life questions and how comfortable he is with talking about it. Recently I have picked up that many people watch his podcasts on YouTube as a secret pleasure especially around campus. I wanted to investigate why people watch his hour long content rather than an easy vlog or a car rating. I wanted to make sense of it and to answer why we all watch him...

1. The Dialogue Feels So Natural and Informative At The Same Time


When watching Joe Rogan's content it feels so natural. He says what comes into mind, nothing is scripted which makes it SO real. It makes us feel like we are in the moment with him. His tone of voice also enhances this. Nothing is fake, there is no BS.

2. The Topics Are Things We Are Scared to Talk About


Rogan discusses what we are all scared to talk about. Most of us think many of the ideas he brings up, but most of us are afraid to speak on them with family and friends. Why? I literally do not know. I feel like if people discussed this more many wouldnā€™t feel alone in their thoughts. But if you are interested in talking about fucked up topics let me know!

3. He Questions and Challenges His Guests


He always questions and challenges his guests. Rogan brings up questions like "why do you think that?" Leaving the spectator to wonder the same thing. It becomes very interactive, which is why I think many people always tune into his podcasts daily. It is basically exercising our brains. Rogan also has awesome guests that come on like scientist or UFC fighters.

4. Itā€™s Our Safe Place to Wonder About ā€œBadā€ Things


It is a safe place for us to wonder our "bad" ideas and or thoughts. He brings up many topics about the dark web, space, social media, drugs, alcohol... things that we are taught not to do. It is an escape from reality, but my question for you is what if this is the REAL reality that we aren't letting in? I always wonder if we discussed this more openly that we would make some sense of the world.

5. Makes Us Think About Things We Donā€™t Everyday


Joe Rogan and his guests make us think about things we do not think about every day. When we hear the same topics over and over again in class, it becomes refreshing when hearing a new obscure ideal that challenges our minds in many different ways.

6. Makes Us Think Of The FutureĀ 


Lastly, he makes us think about the future, especially with humanity. Many people I believe get uncomfortable with discussing this topic. So, I think they find comfortability when listening to him and his guests talk about these topics. We can also identify and make sense of what is to come with many of the theories that he brings up.

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