I haven't met one person in my lifetime who doesn't love Joe Biden. Yes, I've met people who have hated Obama, but no one person has told me "Oh, I hate Biden. He's the worst" because it's just not possible to hate the guy. He rocked as VP and I truly believe that he would be one of the best Presidents the United States if he decided to run for office. Want to know why? Here's some of my reasoning.
1. First and most importantly, I'm 99% sure he would make National Ice cream day a national holiday and there would be no school.
2. He's a beautiful multi-tasker.
I can hardly lift weights let alone do it while on the phone! Look at him go!
3. He's got a smile the media loves.
Just look at that grin!!!
4. He's just a down to earth guy.
He's so sweet and gives credit when credit is due.
5. He likes to get his exercise even when he's got a stressful job!
6. He's love for Obama is unreal
Okay, so I know this conversation most likely didn't happen. But can you imagine if it did?!
7. The man's got a sense of humor like no other.
You've gotta know you're funny when you do this on live national television.
8. He can pull off a suit and shades all at one time.
If he is not elected in 2020, I'm sure he could be the poster boy for RayBans.
9. His Vice President would most likely be Beyoncé.
Taking America by storm one note at a time.
10. He's got the qualifications
He's got background knowledge about how things work both as the Vice President and from when he was Senator. More than some who's in office now but that's just me.....
11. Instead of yelling at people and calling them horrid names, he just uses funny words like "Malarkey"
Might as well put it in the books that Joe invented Malarkey.
12. He's just such a great guy with a great sense of humor.
He's just such a genuine guy and he would do anything and everything possible to raise this country up (even though it's pretty great already)/
There you have it, everybody. Twelve reasons on why I think Joe Biden would be a fabulous president. He's funny, has the experience, loves people, and would most likely make National Ice Cream day a day where there would be no school. Who can compete with that?