I'm a "do-er," meaning I just want to go out and do things. I don't want to spend more than four years in college, and I want to be able to be happy with what I'm doing even when I am in college. Maybe it's not the most realistic, but dreams aren't always realistic, are they? I know that no one is 100% happy with their profession, but I don't want to go into something I hate. I'm artistic and creative, I can't just go into any profession.
First of all, I couldn't spend the day around small children/teenagers when I have to wake up at 5 or so in the morning. Second, the amount of personal time and money teachers put into their career is something I don't think I'd be able to handle if I didn't absolutely love doing it every day. That being said, I think teachers who don't love what they do make for bad teachers. Props to you, teachers and future teachers, keep on going strong!
Police Force
Along with the obvious danger that does come with this job, I don't have any desire to feel like a hero by doing some of the stuff that people in the police force do. I also wouldn't be able to force myself to enforce certain laws. My morals are very high on my list of what is important to me, and there many laws I don't agree with. I also wouldn't be able to stand by while fellow officers did bad things or the system let them get away with bad things.
We need doctors and nurses, everyone can agree on that. I would never be able to go into these professions. Doctors go through an insane amount of schooling. Nurses have less schooling, but they deal with a lot. I've spent a lot of time in the hospital in my life, and I'm sick of it, too, I wouldn't want to keep going in day in and day out. I love that there are people willing to do these things, it's just not me.
Computer Sciences
I think my brain would melt if I spent my days looking at computers. I also am not the most tech-savvy, to say the least. I think if I had a job to do with anything in computer sciences, I'd end up always being exhausted from trying to learn ho to do everything I need.
I love animals to death, and I'd love to always be around them. I cry when I see videos of recovering animals on Facebook and then I get very happy when I see their recovery stories. Animals will always have a special place in my heart. I'd never be able to have my job be seeing hurt and sick animals, and even having to put them down. This doesn't mean I wouldn't volunteer when I have the chance to help animals, I just can't stand seeing my furry friends hurt.
Law is so important for our society, but I couldn't do it. Being a lawyer requires so much schooling and knowledge that has to just be known and memorized. I know there are other jobs in law, but Lawyer is typically what people think about. I also don't know if I'd be able to defend people who have done bad things that I don't agree with, but I may not be in a position to refuse them service. I'm very opinionated and passionate, just not about this.
Agriculture is something I've never really gotten into. Maybe it's because I grew up in a farming community, maybe it's because I'm just an artistic person. From what I know, it's a lot of the same things that you have to do constantly. I like the idea of doing the same basic job, but that might mean I do different things day-by-day.
I'm not a religious person, and I don't really like religion in general. Any job that forces me to work in religious settings for the majority of my time is out, personally. Without getting too into it, it boils down to the fact that I don't exactly like religion.
I can't get into most sports. The sports I do like are essentially gymnastics and soccer. Even with those, I had ambitions as a child to become a professional gymnast, but as I grew up I realized I wouldn't like to do it professionally.
Human Resources
This is an incredibly important job, don't get me wrong. It, personally, is not for me. I don't see myself liking and enjoying an administrative position. I don't like doing the routine work constantly. When I have to do it every now and then, it can be enjoyable, but I don't think I'd be happy making a living off of it.
Social Work
Again,these jobs are so important, but they're not for me to do. I don't think I'd be able to handle the stress that people in social work deal with. I also think I would get too invested into the people I work with that I would end up revolving my whole life around the job. Needless to say, it's not exactly for me.