Finding a job you love is very important. Everyday I walk through the large beautiful brown wooden door and down the hall ways with white tile floor, and sky high ceilings. On my way to my hostess stand I get greeted by everyone I walk past. The staff is so special and kind. The managers are all a joy to work with and the chef is my favorite. He is the happiest guy there and is always sneaking me food. The members are also a joy to be around.
I am surrounded by so many successful and accomplished people who are wealthy beyond belief. What amazes me the most is that so many of the members are actually extremely humble. They talk to me, smile, tell jokes, and are always interested to see what is going on in my life and how I am doing in school. There are business men, code writers, entrepreneurs, and even an Olympic athlete. Working at a country club I have learned so much.
This past week I worked a fundraiser and the members raised over two million dollars for nine charity foundations from donations through raffle tickets and a silent auction. I was so shocked when I heard the total amount donated and so inspired that these people have the heart to give away such large sums of money. The generosity was incredible and I can only wish to be able to be the same way when I am older.
Being surrounded by these people who are so accomplished inspires me. I am only a college student and am trying to find my career and what I want to do when I grow up and these people all have had life times filled with success and achievement that I can learn from. I have gained so many friendships and experience while working here and it is such a positive place. I believe that when we think about the jobs and internships we chose to partake; we should first think about what kind of environment we want to be in. Who you surround yourself with makes a huge difference in how the work day goes and whether you are happy at your job. People should never settle in a job that they are not happy to have. Continue to search until you find the right fit. We should all strive to find a job that inspires us to do our best, we look forward to going to, and generally brings happiness to our lives!