“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” is a quote by Confucius, which everyone should live by. When you decided on the day that you want to move forward to your career from being a student, would you ever in a day decide that you wanted to do something you hated? No, so why start now?
At one point in your life I’m sure you had a part time job or maybe you worked full-time through all your years of college. I worked every day of my college career and worked throughout high school as well and, sure, I hated every minute of working and not being able to just be a teen or even just enjoy college without the worry of getting up for work or being late, but there comes a time where you have to step back and appreciate the people who decided to hire you and allowed you the experiences that they have given you.
That brings me to talk about job love and how it starts the minute you get that part time job. That part time small job sets the tone for the rest of your life. For me, I’m fortunate enough to have so much love for my job. I work at an amazing Fitness Studio called Work it Out in Hoboken, NJ (if you haven’t heard about it, now you know and if you’re ever in the area drop in for class, you WON’T regret it). My best friends older sister Noel, who has allowed me to work for her for almost a year now, founded this studio. Working at a place that the platform stands for women empowerment does exactly that for you, empowers you. This past year I have found myself, not only in fitness, but myself as a whole all because of this place and the women who have inspired me.
Working for Noel and her partner Lisa, I have been introduced to a whole new outlook on how to look at life because every woman who works/works out at Work it Out are living out their own personal dreams. They are using their passions to never work a day in their lives because they enjoy every minute of what they do. This is something that I have taken into consideration when going through college and life. I never want to wake up and dread going to work, which is why by working at Work it Out, it has lead me to finding exactly what I want to do. Though what I want to do in the future has nothing to do with fitness, but it has everything to do with helping people find their way, the same way Work it Out has helped me find mine. In the future, I wish to work with kids in schools as a social worker and I know because this is something I am so passionate about I will never wake up dreading a work day.
It is beyond true that when you surround yourself with driven people, you do exactly that and for me, it was the drive to my accomplish all of my goals from personal to career. The realest and most true people are going to be the ones that see the most potential in you and that is what the women of Work it Out saw in me and now I finally also see it in myself. Job love is the first step to seeing yourself in a true light because when you love what you do, you’ll love everything else that comes with it.
End Note: Header photo is from our photoshoot for our 5 year anniversary and if you're seriously curious about this empowerment and GOOD VIBES ONLY studio check out our website www.workitoutgym.com