Approaching college graduation and applying for real jobs is absolutely terrifying. Not only do you have to worry about scoring a job that pays well, but you also have to consider the places you want to live, staying close to family and friends and what it is you're actually passionate enough about to do for the rest of your life.
I graduate in May and have already been applying for jobs since January. It seems early, but the pressure of not knowing where I'm going to be living in a few months gives me too much anxiety to put it off until the last minute. I am hoping to know by April so that I can plan ahead and know where I'll be headed in May.
However, of the dozens of jobs I've applied for, none have gotten back to me. It's so frustrating because I've dedicated so much time in college to internships and getting as involved as I can just to get the door shut in my face again and again. And on top of that, I'm still not sure exactly what it is I want to do forever. I love journalism, but I've also really enjoyed my time in marketing at my internship.
It's easy to let it get the best of me and get down on myself, which is what I've been doing lately. But I realize now that this isn't going to help anything. I can't let the stress of getting a job to diminish my self-esteem, and neither should you. I realize that some people get lucky and score the job of their dreams without having to go into panic mode, but it only takes one company that believes in you, and I'm going to be patient and wait for that opportunity. I know it will all work out in the end.
Remember to keep pushing and keep an open mind.