Have you ever planned out every detail of your life, and then nothing goes as planned? Yeah, me too. Life is rough, I think we can all agree on that. Things do not go the way we want, and we get a little mad about that. We imagine this life for ourselves, want every detail to be perfect, and it is frustrating when things do not go as planned, or when they are planned. I always think that my life can be perfect only if I follow the plans I had set for my life. Boy, am I wrong thinking that.
God has a plan that is so much better than my own. His plan for our lives is so so so much better than we could ever think, ask, or imagine. It may not look like what we imagine for our lives but we will come to realize, like I have come to realize, that what He is doing is so much better than I could ever do on my own. We know His plan is so much better for us because it says so in His word.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, Plans to give you a hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11
I don't know about you, but when I read that I am immediately filled with joy. It is just so amazing to know that God loves me so much that He has planned out every detail of my life, and it is going to be perfect, whether I think so now or not. He knows everything about me and that makes me want to know so much more about Him.
Have you ever been so lost, so discouraged, and feeling like you cannot do anything to make your life feel like it is going right? Yeah, I have been there too. There are so many things that I thought would have happened, places I would have been, places that I would be at by this time in my life, and none of it has happened. I still remember the day that I realized my life was not going as I had planned out, and all I could do was question God because I knew He has a plan for my life and it just was not going well. As I sat there wondering where God was through all of this, I opened my Bible up to that verse above. I grew up with that verse and I can recite it word for word, but I never thought about the meaning until that day.
God's plans are to do good in our lives, it is right there in the verse "plans to prosper you and not to harm you." He does not want us hurt. Through everything He wants us to know that He has a future planned out for us. That day that I figured all this out was the day that I figured out that I cannot do this on my own anymore. I needed Him to do what He does best and work in and through me. I prayed and basically told Him "Jesus I need you, and I am giving everything I have and everything I am to you."
Now, when I feel like my life is not going as I had planned, I remember that He has a plan so much better for me. So, when you feel like life is not going like you would like, just remember that He is there for you, and He has planned some great things to happen in your life, time will show you that your life is going to be so much better when you trust in Him.