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Jesus and Politics

They shouldn't be so different

Jesus and Politics
Preacher's Word

When logging into any type of social media, I'm sure your news feed is flooded with negative and hateful comments about the Democratic and/or Republican party. It seems as if once the election period rolls around, all sense of Christianity is thrown out the door. Believe it or not, at a time like this where it seems that there is no right answer, several people look to Christians to see how they respond to the masses. To be honest, I am ashamed of my fellow Christians for how they have been treating both sides of the political parties. Christians are swearing at and threatening their opposing candidate, Christians are giving into the media and being in this world instead of being of the world, Christians are rioting and bringing in violence to show that they hate what is different. It seems that even though we are supposed to be fixing our eyes on something greater and bigger than this world, we have turned all of our energy to this election; we have been mesmerized by the media. Which begs me to ask the question: if you were alive in Jesus's time, would you have still followed him or would you have gone with the popular vote because you hate what is different? That question does seem far-fetched; however, if we're so willing to believe what we're told today, how would it be any different back then as well? My friends, we are going about this election all wrong. The world tells us to slander and to spit on anything that is foreign and opposed to us. Therefore, when we disagree with an idea or someone's behavior, we suddenly have the right to say and do whatever we want to them. That is not how Christians should react. Let me tell you what my savior says:

1. Luke 6:27

"But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."

Have you taken the time to pray for the person (people) you don't agree with? My friends, do not underestimate the power of prayer. You can say you pray for our country, but we need to pray for its potential leaders as well. If you want to see a change, change yourself first and start to pray.

2. Proverbs 24:7

"Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice."

Why is it that when a politician messes up, people swarm over the mistake like angry bees, ready to sting? When did Christians celebrate mistakes? When did Christians stop trying to be like Jesus and share his love? Jesus loves the unlovable, and that's something we can all learn from.

3. 1 Peter 2:17

"Respect everyone, and love your Christian brothers and sisters. Fear God, and respect the King."

This was a letter that Peter was writing to persecuted Christians. He reminded them to always keep their beliefs first, but to respect the authority of their nation as well. You may not like whomever becomes our next president, but they do deserve respect. Not because of what they may or may not have done, but because they are an authority figure and as Christians we need to respect everyone and treat them like a human being. Don't you understand that when you retaliate and treat the politicians incredibly cruel and you dehumanize them, you are no better than them? You stoop to their level and that represents our God in a negative way. We know better than that, and we can grown ourselves once we practice this belief.

Don't let the lies and negativity consume you in this time. It's okay to have an opinion, but it's not okay to use your opinion to harm and belittle someone else. You may not believe that they deserve any respect or good treatment, but they are a child of God. Treat them as such and simply pray for them.

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