Jessie Graff Makes History on "American Ninja Warrior" | The Odyssey Online
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Jessie Graff Makes History on "American Ninja Warrior"

She took the slogan "girls can do anything" to the course!

Jessie Graff Makes History on "American Ninja Warrior"
Public Domain Images

In 2013, when petite but mighty Kacy Catanzaro became the first woman to complete a Qualifying and Finals course on NBC's "American Ninja Warrior," she rocketed the show to new heights of cultural popularity.

On Monday September 29th, Stuntwoman Jessie Graff matched Kacy's accomplishment by becoming the first woman to complete the infamous Stage 1 Course in Las Vegas.

Jessie's accomplishment was the "next big" obstacle for women on the show. Kacy's accomplishments led the way for other female competitors, who had previously experienced minimal success on the show, to begin completing preliminary obstacles courses.

The show begins with preliminary courses in participating cities. Finalists then compete on four stages to try to win a one million dollar price and the coveted title of American Ninja Warrior.

Jessie became the first woman to complete the first of four Vegas courses.

The same year that Kacy had her monumental success, rock climber Meagan Martin became the first woman to get past egregious Jumping Spider therefore marking the farthest a female competitor had gone in Las Vegas.

Last season, Jessie became the second woman to make it past the Jumping Spider. However, like Meagan Martin the year before, she was unable to summit the Warped Wall.

At the beginning of the season, however, Jessie proved she was stronger than ever. She completed her first Qualifying course and was one of only two competitors to make it past the eighth obstacle on a strenuous Finals course.

Her accomplishment is made all the more satisfying by the extreme difficulty of this particular Stage 1 Course (courses evolve from season to season). Decorated veterans and favorites to win it all, such as Travis Rosen, Kevin Bull, Ian Dory, and James "the Beast" Mcgraff, all shockingly failed. Jessie was one of only eight athletes to complete the course.

Jessie will have a chance to make even more history when she becomes the first woman to attempt Stage 2 (in a normal episode) on September 11th. With her diverse set of skills, it is certainly possible that Jessie will shatter yet another glass ceiling.

Until then, she can spend time with her adorable pet pig (who makes appearances on Ninja Warrior's sidelines).

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