Jersey drivers have a lot of things in common. Similar thoughts run through our mind as we drive through the dark, looking out for deer. We band together when we see cops looking for easy (speeding) pickings. Yes, being a Jersey driver can be scary when you are driving to an unfamiliar place, but I wouldn't change a thing about my Jersey driving skills.
1. You drive in fear of deer who will pop out of nowhere.
Seriously, they just appear from thin air. One second you are driving the speed limit, the next you are stepping on your brakes and hoping that your car misses the deer.
2. You loathe roads that have 25 miles per hour speed limits.
What's the point of having the speed limit so slow? So police officers can pull you over if you don't obey the ridiculously slow speed limit? Some roads really should be at least 35 miles per hour.
3. You feel like the luckiest person alive when a car on the opposite side of the road flashes their bright lights to warn you about a cop nearby to save you from getting pulled over.
Thank you for saving me. You are my new best friend, and I love you.
4. You hate when a car on the opposite side of the road does not flash their bright lights to warn you about a cop nearby, so you continue to obliviously speed and earn yourself a pricey speeding ticket.
Are you kidding me? My parents are going to kill me!
5. You forget to read the signs as you approach a traffic light so you don't know if you're allowed to turn on red at the intersection.
Should I play it safe and not turn? Or will the car behind me beep and make me feel like an idiot? Maybe I should take the chance -- right? No! I'm just going to stay here until the light turns green, when I know it's OK to turn right.
6. You get frustrated when people don't use their blinkers and then proceed to cut you off.
How dare you. Go back to the DMV and learn proper driving etiquette!!
7. You drive through different states and have no clue how to pump gas.
Pumping gas seems like rocket science when you don't know what you're doing. I don't know how people who pump gas make it look so easy. When I was on a road trip with one of my best friends, I made her pump our gas because I was afraid I would mess up.
8. You see the traffic light turn yellow and you think to yourself, "I can make it," even though you know deep down you should be slowing down instead of speeding up.
I'm sorry, I just don't have all day to wait for the light to turn back to green. Some lights have much longer/shorter green time depending on the direction you are driving in and the time of the hour. So unfair.
9. You hate the intersections that only have one lane for drivers who have options of going in three directions: turning left, driving straight, or turning right.
There should be more lanes. I shouldn't have to wait three lights to cross the intersection because slowpoke up there didn't know how to make his right turn. Ugh.
10. You forget how to parallel park once you pass your driver's test.
Unless you live in an area that requires parallel parking in everyday life, it's easy to forget the necessary steps of parallel parking. I have been driving for two and a half years and the only time I ever needed to parallel park was for my driving exam. If I needed to parallel park, today, I would have to watch a step-by-step tutorial online. Oops.
11. You judge other drivers by their license plates because if you aren't a driver from Jersey, you don't know how to drive!
It's a logical statement, take my word for it. Out of state drivers could learn a few things from us Jersey drivers. OK, more than a few things. If you don't know what you're doing, please just stay in your lane (the right lane) and let us pass you. Thanks!