1. When Pauly greeted Vinny when they were reunited in Miami | The Odyssey Online
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20 times dJ Pauly d and vinny guadagnino were relationship goals

If you ever doubt true love, just take a look at these two to be reminded that a perfect love is out there.

20 times dJ Pauly d and vinny guadagnino were relationship goals

DJ Pauly D and Vinny have been relationship goals since 2009. Through all the ups and the downs faced in the shore house, Pauly and Vinny have constantly stayed together. Which proves that sometimes it is okay to fall in love at the Jersey Shore.

1. When Pauly greeted Vinny when they were reunited in Miami


Pauly not only confirms that Vinny is his boyfriend, but announces his arrival enthusiastically.

2. They have a sick hand shake


Every perfect relationship should include an over the top perfect hand shake. Bonus points for the matching outfits.

3. They are totally in sync


Couples who fist pump together, stay together.

4. They take perfect photo booth pictures together


Many couples try for the perfect photo booth pictures and few succeed. Take notes from Pauly and Vinny next time if you want your photos to be super cute and fun.

5. Pauly hypes up Vinny's dance moves


I wish I had someone like Pauly to hype up my stupid and questionable dance moves.

6. They only need each other to have a good time


A pool party for two has never been so fun!

7. They are a dynamic duo


Everyone know Deena and Snooki are attached at the hip, but so are Vinny and Pauly. While they may not have a special nickname they most definitely are Jersey Shore's best dynamic duo.

8. They use pinky promises


Not only is the pinky promise absolutely adorable, but they even call each other by cute pet names! Cue the awing.

9. Pauly calls Vinny out when he is being ridiculous


Scrapping the cheese off the pizza and leaving the crust is no way to eat a pizza, and Pauly makes sure Vinny knows he is being absurd.

10. Pauly wears a picture of Vinny on his chain


A modern day locket, how sweet?

11.The way they look at each other


So romantic!

12. Pauly doesn't want Vinny to leave


When Vinny wanted to leave the shore house, Pauly wanted to hold on for dear life, because he didn't want to be without his partner in crime.

13. They were made for each other


The perfect fit.

14. They appreciate the little gestures


Thee littlest favors mean the world.

15. Vinny reassuring Pauly when he was nervous


Meeting the parents is a big deal in most serious relationships, so Pauly being nervous makes total sense. Vinny making sure Pauly knows it will all be okay is a huge help in bringing down the nerves.

16. The way they make fun of each other


The test of any good relationship is the ability to roast each other.

17. How excited Vinny gets to see Pauly


Based on Vinny's smile everyone could tell Pauly was at the door.

18. Vinny is a good wing man to Pauly


Vinny and the cast walked the streets of Miami trying to find a date for Pauly. That is dedication and hard work.

19. And when that failed. . .

Vinny dressed up as a girl, so Pauly wouldn't be disappointed that they couldn't find him a date.

20. Most importantly, they are in it for the long haul


It is hard to find this kind of commitment these days.

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