Recently, Jenna Marbles released a video on her YouTube channel titled "Testing a Viral Dog Car Harness." The thirty minute video consisted of Jenna Marbles (whose last name is actually Mourey) and her long-time boyfriend, Julien Solomita purchasing and trying out car harnesses for their three smaller dogs Marbles, Kermit, and Peach. Their newest dog named Bunny was excluded from the experiment due to her being the only large breed. Marbles explained how the harnesses worked and put them on before latching them onto the seats. The results were less than stellar with all three test subjects protesting loudly (especially the always crying Kermit) and Peach even managing to wiggle herself to freedom. Jenna and Julien laughed it off and said that while it was an interesting experience, they would not be using the harnesses again.
Unfortunately, there were people who were not laughing as much. After receiving some backlash in the comments, Marbles took down the video before reuploading it with a five minute long disclaimer attached to the video saying she did not endorse the product, would not be using it again, and that the dogs were in it for a very short period of time. This upset many longtime viewers who quickly came to their defense, attesting how much she cares for the dogs and questioning how anyone could accuse the couple of abusing their dogs. So to counteract some of the negativity, I have decided to make a list of five times where Jenna Marbles and Julien Solomita showed that they were great dog parents.
1. When they adopted Bunny and allowed her to handle her anxieties at her own pace.
In April of 2019, the couple released a video on Marbles' youtube channel announcing the rival of their fourth and newest dog, Bunny. Bunny is a rescue greyhound that was bred for dog racing. Throughout the video, Jenna and Julien explain their adoption process with Bunny and how, because of her background, she is more timid than the other dogs and has peculiar fears and anxieties. Instead of forcing her to deal with the stressors, Jenna and Julien changed their daily routines to better accommodate their new dog and her personality. This included things such as finding new walking paths, leaving their doors open at night, and staying home for a couple weeks as she acclimated to her new family. Overall, they showed incredible patience with Bunny when she needed it most and it has been nothing but entertaining watching her grow and form her own personality.
2. When they bought Marbles 11 outfits for his 11th birthday.
In what is arguably one of the most soothing and adorable videos on Jenna Marble's channel, the namesake and oldest dog-sibling, Marbles, turns eleven years old. Having had him since he was a puppy, Jenna knows exactly what pleases the good old boy: attention and clothes. And does she provide him just that. Marbles models each of his new outfits, impressing every viewer with his poise and grace in slow motion. The other dogs also make appearances, cutting into shots to add a bit of humor to the video. You can tell Jenna put genuine time into picking out each article of clothing and how Marbles would feel in it--not something many people would consider when forcing their pet into a sweater.
3. When they put on an Easter Egg Hunt in their backyard for the dogs.
It is common for parents to put on Easter Egg hunts for their young children to help celebrate the season. It is not so common for people to do that for their dogs. In this 2019 video, Jenna and Julien dress up in an Easter Bunny costume and lay out plastic eggs filled with treats for each of their dogs. They then give them all the help they need to find the brightly colored and easily hidden prizes (Marbles needed a bit more help then Peach). This was actually great for the dogs because not only did they get treats, but it was a fun mental exercise for them. Especially with older dogs like Marbles, it is essential to their health that they are exercised both mentally and physically. Ultimately the things Jenna and Julien do with their dogs may seem silly, but are incredibly helpful in the end.
4. When they bought their dogs LITERALLY whatever they wanted.
Jenna and Julien do not boast about their wealth often, if at all. Despite Jenna alone reportedly being worth about $8 million, you wouldn't know it watching her videos recreating five minute crafts or trying clip in bangs. This is mostly due to their humble nature, but the one place they will splurge is the pet store. In this video, Jenna and Julien gave their dogs free reign around the store, and anything the dogs showed interest in was put into the cart and rung up. The dogs' excitement was apparent throughout the video as they enjoyed a nice outing--minus one instance where Kermit peed in the middle of the store. Once home, the dogs enjoyed their spoils, fighting over the toys and munching on treats. Very few people would be willing to go to such lengths for even one of their dogs, let alone an entire pack.
5. When they taught their dogs how to swim because Kermit fell in the pool.
More important than the money spent or toys bought for the dogs is Jenna and Julien's genuine concern for their well-being. It is not uncommon for them to drop everything and make a visit to the vet even if they just suspect something is wrong. Back in fall of 2018, Kermit accidentally slipped into their backyard pool before being quickly pulled out by Julien. He was completely unharmed but the incident shook the dog parents and pushed them to take some precautionary steps. They bought each of the dogs life-vests and spent the day in the pool teaching them how to at least make it back to the shallow area. While the actual progress made in the lesson is questionable, the video is quite hilarious to watch and it is obvious the dogs have nothing to really worry about with J and J's watchful eyes over them.
Say what you want about the car harness video, but Jenna Marbles and Julien Solomita have genuine love for their dogs and it shows through in every video--even ones not pet-centered. May there be many more videos featuring the J-pack for years to come.
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