I swear everywhere I look nowadays, there is someone trying to make someone else envy every little aspect of their lives. Everything is a constant battle. It’s “You’re not as thin as her” or “I’m so much happier than you” or “______ than you”. Who cares? Everyone has different features of life that satisfy them and they choose to live in a way that will make them happy. Not you.
Life is not a race or a battle or even a board game for Pete’s sake. We are not trying to race to the end and see who gets there first. We’re not trying to go out on a battlefield and dual ’till the end over who’s life is better. And we are absolutely not trying to “win” The Game of Life when the rules are written by someone else. We write our own rules. We go at our own pace. We don’t try to push other people off of the field just because we don’t think their life compares to ours.
Life is everything that you choose it to be. Life is doing what you enjoy doing, surrounding yourself with people that you genuinely care about, and most importantly making yourself happy. You don’t need to feel bad because you think the girl next door is “better” than you. Some people strive off of jealousy. It is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen, but it happens. They venture to make their life seem better than yours, and to make sure you know that. But the truth is, there isn’t a life that is better than yours. You choose the way you live for a reason. Everyone has different preferences and different goals. It’s all about finding what truly makes you happy.
So the next time that girl at school tries to make you feel bad about your life or makes it a point to you that her life is “sooooo great”, turn the other way, put a big smile on your face, and continue doing what you are doing; because as long as you’re happy, you’re doing everything right.