You left a year ago without saying goodbye…
I completed the forum a year ago.
I last held your hand 2 years ago.
We first met at our tennis practices–10 years ago.
Together, we had pre-planed our future until he took your life away.
I thought you had left, forever.
Your presence has always been and continues to be with me at all times.
Even though I can't hear you,
see you,
hug you,
or hold your hand to feel your presence, to make sure you are by-my-side.
DARLING, you’ve kept your promise:
you’ve kept your vow of never leaving my side.
He took your life away,
but you continue to be by-my-side.
You continue to protect me,
keep me moving forward,
and put a smile on my face,
and brighten my day, even in worse situations—draining situations.
You of all people had to leave:
Your pure soul,
Your unconditional love,
Your endless love is not as close as I used to feel it,
but, yet again, it continues to be present.
People come,
to one’s life,
but don’t always stay.
Cherish all those that continue to be present in our lives,
The ones that cherish us,
The ones we are still able to return our love,
and care,
and our genuine gesture.
Individuals come to your life,
but not all come to stay.
Very few will stay in our lives,
and many will move on.
Cherish all your loved ones:
Those still breathing,
Those still hearing,
looking straight at you–
with a beating heart.
At the end of the day what remains is the memory of the individual,
imprinted in your soul,
And, or,
A photograph.
JE T’AIME BEAUCOUP. And I always will.