The past few days have probably been a whirlwind of emotions for people in this country, specifically the marginalized. The inauguration of Donald Trump was Friday followed by the Women’s March on Saturday. But there was something that occurred about a week prior that brought a lot of inspiration to social media. Internet comedian Jay Versace posted a video about his excitement for 2017. It included him and his friends dancing to “Optimistic” by Sounds of Blackness. It instantly went viral and as of today has over 86,000 retweets and 140,000 likes on twitter.
About a week later, Chance the Rapper decided to do his own version with his friends which of course went viral as well. Now people have been posting their own versions of them dancing to the song with the hashtag “OptimisticChallenge”.
What is so inspiring about this is that in the United States of America many people feel as though this country is anything but united. But when you watch a simple video of someone dancing and being happy one can’t help but feel some sort of hope. Right now this country is anything but ideal but at the end of the day no matter who is the leader, it is up to the people to unite and make sure that all voices are heard. Like the song says “no matter how hard reality seems, just hold on to your dreams”. With that being said, although the opposition is high it is important to focus on your goals and always remember…forward movement.