This film, directed by Naoko Ogigami, depicts a girl named Tomo, who gets abandoned by her mother for a little while, goes to live with her uncle, Makio. This time going to Makio's place, he informs Tomo that his transgender girlfriend, Rinko is also living with him now. Here are three reasons why you should watch this Japanese film:
1. There's a natural and simple story
Although I am so used to the Hollywood style of films, I enjoy the simplicity, clean, and natural aspect of this film. The interaction and acting between the characters are very casual. It is not too overly dramatic nor exaggerated. In this film, you also find the aesthetics of the yarn and knitting very fascinating. Also, you get to enjoy a little of Japan's culture especially the demonstration of the manners and how their landscape looks like. The development of the main character, Tomo is very strong and touching.
2. The relationship between Tomo and Rinko
At first, Tomo is reluctant to interact with Rinko but then Tomo starts to open up after she learns more about Rinko through Makio, and Rinko's mother. Rinko, is also excited to meet Tomo and wants to get along with her. Then, one of the most adorable parts of the film is when Rinko makes a bento lunch for Tomo even though Tomo does not eat lunch. Tomo becomes very happy and touched by the beautifully made bento. This is a bento that even her mother did not make for her when Tomo is with her. Moreover, Rinko becomes a true mother figure for Tomo for she deeply cares and loves Tomo. Tomo too also loves Rinko. This is evident when Tomo has defended Rinko against those who look down upon Rinko for her transsexual aspect, Tomo also hold hands with Rinko when they are walking together, and Tomo embraces Rinko whenever Rinko is sad. In addition, Tomo is able to open up to a boy who wants to be her friend after she gets along with Rinko. Overall, Tomo and Rinko's love for each other goes to the extent that Rinko wants to adopt Tomo.
3. The theme of acceptance
The story has captured this reality of what transsexuals such as Rinko experience. Despite the fact that some people do not accept transsexuals, this film have taught the audience that the world is changing and that people should open up and be more accepting. People should also be more supportive. Everyone is all different and that is fine. Acceptance is a very strong theme that makes this film very powerful. Tomo and Makio have both open up, support, and accept Rinko for who she is.
Please watch this magnificent film!