After staying inside for most of the week last week during mother nature's "unleashing hell on earth" it showed me that weather can change on a dime. We were lucky to have warmer weather during the winter months before January where it was not uncomfortable. Then last week snow decided to descend upon Wisconsin and it seemed that it was all the snow that we missed during the last couple of months finally came here.
During the week I only had one day of classes and the rest of the days were canceled either by the school or because the teacher could not start their car. Even though many people might have been happy about having school canceled but to me it was frustrating. It threw off my schedule and since I was trapped inside I had nothing to do for those days. Also, it seemed that a lot of teachers were not happy with the prospect of having to cancel a class.
With the frustration of last week, it was even harder to get back on a schedule and try to get to class on time. Some of my teachers lacked communication and did not share if they were going to change anything or move anything. So this week has been full of frustration when something is changed and the teacher forgot to tell the students about it. All in all, having a part, or for some, a full week off might have been refreshing but it was also very frustrating.
My hope now is that the weather does not do that again. I am hoping that it does not get super cold again and snow like it did last week. The funny aspect of the hope is that it probably will not come true, Snow in Wisconsin is predictable as cold in the North Pole. So the fact of the matter is that brace for more snow and cold because it will be coming. This winter weather causes more depression in people and that is a given fact.
Finally, I would say this weather can cause a lot of depression in people as I stated above. These days are dark, cold, and when the days are darker and it is not as sunny outside people's depression can get worse. This means I would also say I feel for the people with the seasonal affective disorder because I have it. I hope that they are getting through these months as best as we can. I hope that February is better and things will look up!