As many people have jumped the gun and added Fitness to their new years resolution I have just made the promise of sticking to my goals and remain focus. I have recently been picking up items to be sure I can become a stronger, healthier more fit version of myself. Sometimes we don't realize how much the small things count but with fitness the smallest knot or injury will become a big problem one day, it is very necessary to not only exercise and eat well, but cater to the body as a whole and that is why these five things made my January fitness favorites.
1. Stretch Bands:
I recently picked up some stretch bands and I got them for a really great bargain. I was doing my typical thrift store scroll and I wasn’t looking for anything in particular just thought I’d stop in as I was in the area of goodwill. As, I quickly browsed through I decided to scan the sports section before I left, something I typically don’t due as I prefer to buy new fitness items, well I am very pleased I made this decision. I passed over the rackets and baseball bats and in the mist of all the hockey gear I found a pack of stretch bands. Not only were they new, they were a pack of three multilevel bands. The original price tag was on them and they were from Meijer for 19.99, I purchased them for… drum-roll please… $1.99. Yes! I got them for less than $2.
2. Running Shoes:
I purchased a baseball after complaining to a co-worker about the knots in my back and gluteus and she suggested I pick up a baseball and roll out the knots. I had heard of people using tennis balls to roll out the knots in their feet but never for other areas of the body. This changed my life, I had been suffering for about three months, I sprained my gluteus and at first I thought it was my hamstring but after constant “stretching and healing” I found the pain to still carry in my gluteus and that maybe that’s where it had been all along. I picked up a baseball from five and below for $1 and went home to roll out the knots. I spent around 45 minutes tending to my gluteus, at first it was painful as the baseball is very firm and the muscles were very tight. After loosening the muscle tissue I was able to roll over the ball easily and feel the pleasure of the pain being released. I woke up the next morning a new person. My performance had reflected as well, I was running again without pain! I plan to get softer balls to have a variety as I would have preferred to begin with a softer ball and end with the baseball doing all the deep tissue work.4. Samsung Fitness App:
My galaxy came with a fitness app called S Health and I love it. I love S Health because it is a great way to track my progress. The options are endless, you can track your water intake, Yoga, caffeine intake, sleeping hours, ballet and the list goes on. No matter your activity, it can be tracked on S Health. Another reason I like it is because it has challenges and if you have a friend who also has the app, you can track their progress as well, sort of team work outs.
5. Fitness Pockets on my clothing
Lately I have been purchasing fitness gear with pockets. My sports bras have little pockets in the front, in which I hold a napkin for sweat or my keys if I don’t want to bring my gym bag out. I like the pockets on my fitness clothing because they aren’t in uncomfortable places but places where you won’t have to worry about things falling out or interfering with your workout. They are usually small almost unnoticeable places, to hold keys, money and sometimes even your phone. Great thing to have as most yoga pants don't have pockets and the last thing you want to do is haul a ton of things to the gym.
As you can see, all products can be easily purchased or found, I also hope you notice that you can pick up great gear from the thrift store and outlet stores. Just locate your local shopping centers. Getting in shape doesn't have to be stressful or expensive, it is simply the ability to utilize the resources you have to maximize your health.