I'm sure many of us have mixed emotions about what the future of this country holds for us. But, rest assured, on January 20th, we can all get the opportunity to really experience and witness what our democracy is truly all about. Whether during this election past election year you supported Trump, Hillary or a third- party candidate, we can all try our hardest to eliminate any differences we carry amongst us.
Many of my readers know that I am a huge Trump supporter, I supported him once I knew there was no more hope for this nation, once I realized that this was our last possible chance to save ourselves from high unemployment rates, jobs removed from the United States, our borders being insecure, to so many other things, this list could go on and on.
But, regardless, we can all come together, eradicate the many divisions and unite as "one nation under god" as our founding fathers would have wanted us to do. The thing that outraged me the most was the days following the election, people protesting and rioting on the streets about the results of the election.
In just eleven days from now, that day will be here, when we can all witness history. The oldest president taking office in the history of the United States, and for the first time someone from the outside who will accomplish goals and commit his life to everyday Americans. He will be an advocate for those who can not advocate for themselves.
We are in for a real journey these next four years, that will hopefully result in President-elect Trump following through on his promises. It is my true hope that everyone will get the chance to tune in and watch the inauguration ceremony on television or online.
Now, let us hope that during Trump's presidency that we can all, "Make America Great Again"! Thank you for reading and god bless!